How to structure your day so that you are set up for success

Helen Wallace
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2020
Bich Tran from Pexels

Adulting is hard. And when you are a freelancer, things can, at times, feel even harder. Between vying for jobs in a saturated market and trying to stay on top of your mountain of admin combined with a flexible schedule and nowhere to be, it can be hard to find the structure and routine you need to succeed and stay sane.

If this sounds like you ✋ you’re not alone. Here are five ways to ‘Marie Kondo’ your workday so that it sparks all the joy (and leads to all the success!).

1. Clean your desk the night before

Walking into chaos in the morning doesn’t bode well for a productive day of work. Instead, take some time to clear up your desk before you clock off each day and leave notes for anything urgent you need to get to first thing in the morning somewhere clearly visible. A clean space makes for a calm mind.

2. Tackle the toughest work first

Most people find that they are most productive in the morning. It’s after lunch that things tend to go downhill. If you are one of these people, try to get to your most pressing or most challenging tasks first thing in the morning so that you are still feeling fresh, and leave the easier work for after the midday slump.

3. Plan out your work hours

Planning is crucial is you want to win the freelancing game, and this goes for everything from your pitches, to your work and your hours. Plan out everything that needs to be done, and allocate time to each task. This will immediately give your day more structure and help you to keep track of your progress.

4. Avoid social media!

Social media has its place, but we *all* know just how easy it is to fall down the Instagram rabbit hole, only to return to reality hours later having accomplished nothing. Instead, try to limit your time on social networking apps during your work hours, with the occasional check-in during your breaks. And, with that being said…

5. Make sure you take breaks

According to research conducted by productivity app DeskTime, we should ideally be taking a 17-minute break for every 52 minutes we work. So make sure that you get up and stretch your legs and graze on healthy snacks when you are feeling peckish. This will prevent lethargy from setting in and ruining your day.

