Working from home? Here’s how to create the perfect WFH office space

Helen Wallace
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2020
Serpstat from Pexels

One of the biggest perks of being a freelancer is that you often have to option to work remotely. This means that, unlike our nine-to-five desk-bound peers, we can choose where we want to work from, and have the privilege of being able to choose a space that feels both productive and peaceful (and without the lingering scent of co-workers leftovers wafting under your nose).

While this might mean that you can forego wearing makeup and live in sweats most of the time, it doesn’t mean that you should set up shop in your bed, no matter how soft your sheets are. Sorry! Here are four things to consider when creating your perfect WFH space for maximum efficiency.

1. Get yourself a desk

Not only is working on your bed not good for you (hello, future back problems!) but it will be challenging to get ‘in the zone’ when you are bundled in blankets. Instead, invest in a suitable desk that has space for everything you need throughout your working day, from your computer to your stationery and the inevitable pile-up of coffee mugs. It might also be worth investing in a comfortable chair considering how much time you’ll likely be spending perched on it.

2. Keep it separate

Another thing to be mindful of when creating your home office is that it should be separate from the leisure or rest areas in the house. This is one of the biggest factors that can impact your productivity levels. Having an allocated workspace that is free of noise and household distractions helps to put you in the right frame of mind to do your money-making thing. Still can’t focus? Consider renting space in a co-working hub, giving you the office environment without the long-term commitment and micromanaging colleagues.

3. Ditch the distractions

It doesn’t take much to find yourself becoming distracted from the task at hand. But it’s up to you to create a space that is as free of them as possible. Remove anything that could take your mind off work, and install apps and plugins that allow you to block certain sites (here’s looking at you, social media!) during your working hours. You should also have some clear boundaries in place with other members of the household so that they respect both your time and your home office.

4. Make it magical

A desk in the corner of a dark, dingy room might work just fine. But if you are going to be spending a large part of your day there, it is bound to affect your mood and, as such, your productivity as well. This is why you should create a space that sparks joy. How? Make sure there is sufficient lighting and that you are comfortable sitting at your desk for extended periods. It might also be worth investing in some houseplants, which have been shown to improve focus and will instantly make your space feel more alive. Who needs colleagues when you have a peace lily to talk to, anyway?

