GuildFi’s Questober: Complete Shrapnel Quests to earn 300 GXP and Steam Rewards

Published in
2 min readOct 19, 2022

We’re happy to announce our biggest set of Questober quests yet with our partner game, Shrapnel. There will be 6 quests in total, i.e. 2 social quests and 4 game quests.

All quests can be found at the quest page. The more quests completed, the more rewards you will earn.

Activity 1: Complete Social Quests worth 100 GXP

Activity 1 Period: 5 October 2022 10:00 (UTC) to 1 November 2022 04:59 (UTC)

1. Follow Shrapnel Twitter

  • Follow Shrapnel’s Twitter account and claim 50 GXP as rewards.

2. Join Shrapnel Discord

  • Join Shrapnel’s Discord and claim 50 GXP as rewards.

Activity 2: Complete Game Quests worth 200 GXP

Activity 2 Period: 19 October 2022 10:00 (UTC) to 25 October 2022 09:59 (UTC)

3. Retweet Shrapnel’s Twitter post with #GuildFixShrapnel

  • Retweet this Shrapnel post with #GuildFixShrapnel
  • Claim 50 GXP on GuildFi’s Quest page

4. Retweet Shrapnel’s Twitter post

  • Retweet this Shrapnel post with the screenshot of the game teaser or gameplay footage
  • In the retweet, tag Shrapnel’s Twitter account and GuildFi’s Twitter account, with the #GuildFixShrapnel hashtag
  • Claim 50 GXP on GuildFi’s Quest page

5. Play CS GO and kill a minimum of 20 people

  • Sync Steam account to
  • Play CS GO and kill minimum of 20 people in game
  • Claim 50 GXP on GuildFi’s Quest page

6. Win one match on CS GO

  • Sync Steam account to
  • Play CS GO and win a minimum of one match on CS GO
  • Claim 50 GXP on GuildFi’s Quest page

Special Steam Rewards

100 participants that complete Shrapnel quests will have a chance to win a Steam wallet card valued at $15 each. Only players that complete Quests 1–4 will be eligible for this reward.

Terms & Conditions

  • GuildFi reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating, or suspending this activity, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all Participants shall be bound by these amendments;
  • The GuildFi committee’s decision is final.




GuildFi is a gaming platform that empowers all gamer communities and creates interoperability across the Metaverse.