The GF Token — Connecting the GuildFi Ecosystem

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5 min readFeb 2, 2022

The GF or GuildFi token is the final piece to the ecosystem. It is what lies between each of the different GuildFi zones, provides interoperability, and connects the different zones together.

The first step to grasping the importance of the GF token is to understand its purpose and tokenomics, which has been reiterated below.

The image above shows how GuildFi is much more than just a guild and the different components that make it unique. The purpose of the GF token is to ultimately differentiate between those that purchase the GF token for shorter term needs, such as short term speculation, and those that purchase the GF token for longer term needs such as to help optimize for native users of the GuildFi platform, longer term investors, and GuildFi’s partners.

The GuildFi community will be differentiated through the staking mechanism introduced in early December. Similar to that of Curve’s governance token, particularly CRV and veCRV, the GuildFi token, GF,and the staking form of the token, sGF, serves the same purpose. The amount of sGF each GF token holder holds will scale proportionally to how long they have staked their GF tokens for. For example, staking 1 GF token for 52 weeks (the maximum period you can stake) entitles you to 1 sGF while staking 1 GF for 26 weeks entitles you to 0.5 sGF. This way, not only does the amount of GF purchased matter, but also how long you’ve staked and committed to the GuildFi platform.

With this staking mechanism, rather than utilizing the GF token for governance rights and for benefits on the GuildFi platform, sGF is used instead. In addition to basic governance rights that allow GF token stakers or sGF holders the ability to vote, sGF holders also have and will continue to have additional benefits as the GuildFi platform and play to earn ecosystem continues to grow.

Benefits of sGF towards stakers

There are several other examples where holding sGF or staking the GF token may also result in direct value accrual towards users of the GuildFi platform in each of the features listed below:

  • Metadrop Launchpad
  • GuildFi Tools Zone
  • GuildFi ID
  • Proof of Play Rewards
  • Game Discovery

Metadrop Launchpad

A clear example of the value sGF and the GF token in general provides is GuildFi’s most recent IGO with Summoners Arena.

In the example below, a Blue Gem is equivalent to one sGF.

  1. Less than 300 Blue Gem Power — Wallets with less than 300 of sGF is not eligible for a ticket
  2. 300+ Blue Gem Power — Wallets with 300 or more Gem Power (Blue) has a 3% chance of receiving a ticket
  3. 1000+ Blue Gem Power — Wallets with 1000 or more Gem Power (Blue) has a 10% chance of receiving a ticket
  4. 4000+ Blue Gem Power — Wallets with 4000 or more Gem Power (Blue) has a 30% chance of receiving a ticket
  5. 10,000+ Blue Gem Power — Wallets with 10,000 or more Gem Power (Blue) has an 85% chance of receiving a ticket
  6. 40,000+ Blue Gem Power — Wallets with 40,000 or more Gem Power (Blue) has a 95% chance of receiving a ticket

Here, the more Blue Gems an entity holds, the more likely that they will receive a ticket. Summoners Arena is an up and coming play to earn game that provides a unique, innovative idle-RPG experience running on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). By holding the Blue Gems which are earned only by staking GF or holding sGF, you will be entitled to a chance of participating in the up and coming play to earn game that is Summoners Arena along with a chance to win legacy NFTs through the IGO and the liquid Summoners Arena token, among other benefits.

GuildFi Tools Zone

As mentioned on the GuildFi medium in the previous week, the GuildFi Tools Zone provides a repository of information and tools for guilds, guild managers, scholars, and players more broadly. Similar to that of Summoner Arena’s IGO, the amount of tools and features available for different users and guilds of the GuildFi platform will also scale with the amount of sGF staked.

GuildFi ID

The amount of GF staked or sGF held will be displayed in the GuildFi ID as a form of recognition for other users of the GuildFi platform. While this has yet to be fully implemented on the GuildFi platform, similar to that of other video games such as DotA2, holding a larger amount of sGF can be comparable to having a higher level in the battle pass, where the amount of sGF (level in Dota2 Battle Pass) held can be displayed with your GuildFi ID if you choose to do so.

Proof of Play Rewards

Additionally, similar to that of many DeFi Protocols such as Curve Finance or Convex, the more sGF held by each entity will entitle them to a boost in the rewards earned in each game that partners with GuildFi.

Game Discovery

As more and more play to earn games are released, improved, and begin to surface, the more value the Game Discovery provides. Likewise, by staking the GF token for sGF, you will have the priority to have early access to newer games that have partnered with GuildFi.

Due to the nature of P2E games, having early access will allow you to have the opportunity to not only play interesting games before other people, but to also harness your skills and gain an edge in the game to earn more than anybody else.


All in all, the GF token can be thought of as the missing piece of the GuildFi platform that allows interoperability between all of the different features and zones provided.

The tokenomics also ultimately ensures that a levelled platform is created with a true democracy where those that may have more money but are also shorter term committed will have the same voting power and benefits as someone who may have less money but are longer term committed.

As time progresses, the GuildFi platform will continue to iterate and develop to be of aid to not only those part of the GuildFi Guild but also those that generally utilize the GuildFi platform, and of course to provide as much value as possible for GF token holders and our community as a whole.




GuildFi is a gaming platform that empowers all gamer communities and creates interoperability across the Metaverse.