Why I had to switch from an iPhone SE

Liam Harper
Guillin’s Gambit
Published in
3 min readJan 1, 2017

So a few days ago I had to make the sacrifice that I didn’t want to make. I own an iPhone SE which to me is the best phone to come from Apple. I love the design (I know it’s the iPhone 5/5s design but still) and I love how it works. Recently however I noticed that I would start to get headaches as I used it, and considering the industry that I work in (which I don’t divulge), I need to be on it for a bit chunk of my day. I put these headaches down to the size of the screen. I’m 32 now (still a spring chicken to some) and I’m starting to notice certain things happening with my health. I already wear glasses and it seems like the 4" screen can no longer serve a function for me.

Disappointed and on a very tight budget, I trundled down to the city centre (I live in Derby) on 30th December and took a look at the trade in stores. Places like Game, CEX and Trade Nation. Knowing I only had a budget of £200 my choices were very slim. In an ideal world I would have loved to grab the Google Pixel or Blackberry Priv but they were obviously no go’s. Even the OnePlus Two was out of my price range by £50.

I had almost given up hope for that day until in Trade Nation I spotted the Moto X Style for £205. It was £5 out of my budget but with a bit of tinkering at home I was sure I could stretch to it. I did some research and read that even though it came out in 2015 it could still hold it’s own. With the screen size being 5.7" and quality being 1440x2560 with a PPI of 520 I decide to take the plunge and so far I have not been disappointed. I didn’t care about switching operating systems as to be honest I’ve always preferred Android.

The strain I was giving myself has all but vanished. Gone are the headaches and the extra tiredness that looked at the iPhone SE caused me. The only grievance I would have is that battery life is dire, but then I knew that when I purchased it as every review stated as such. Thankfully I have a 21000mAh battery pack so that’s not an issue.

Am I glad I’ve replaced the iPhone SE as my daily driver? Absolutely not. I love that little phone. Am I relieved I’ve replaced? Yes. I’m feeling much better for doing so even if it means my bank will moan at me before I get paid next (can’t sell the SE for a couple of months due to reasons). At the end of the day, health comes first and that’s why I changed.



Liam Harper
Guillin’s Gambit

35yr old Brit, techie with an interest in gaming and all other jazz like that.