Gluten and Dairy Free Pancakes

GuiltFree Titbits
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2020

Ingredients for the base

1) One and a half cup Oats

2) One Egg

3) Half cup soy milk

4) One ripe banana

5) Baking powder(half teaspoon)

6) Vanilla essence(one teaspoon)

7) One pinch salt

8) Vegan Chocolate chips

9) Olive Oil


1) Maple syrup

2) Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries etc.

3) Vegan chocolate syrup

4) Fruit preserve


1) Grind the oats in a mixer till it turns to a fine powder

2) Add in rest of the ingredients (except for the chocolate chips)and mix it together.

3) After making the pancake mix, take a flat pan and heat it up. Smear some oil on the pan(optional).

4) Put dollops of the pancake mix to create a round biscuit like shape.

5) Add in the vegan chocolate chips (on top of the pancake)

6) Flip the pancakes after about 2 minutes.

7) Serve the pancakes with some maple syrup, fruit preserve, vegan chocolate syrup and a few strawberries or other berries.

8) Lastly, enjoy eating.



GuiltFree Titbits

I am a school student passionate about food and DIYs