Gluten Free cracker

GuiltFree Titbits
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2020

The crunchy gluten free crackers are made to dunk in any sauce, salsa, dip or can be munched on directly like a biscuit. They taste wonderful, they resemble nachos/crackers, and are easy to bake.


~ 1 cup Besan(chickpea flour)

~ 1 cup oat flour

~ 1 cup Jowar flour

~ 1 cup Ragi flour

~ Pinch of salt to taste

~ 4 tablespoon ghee/melted butter/oil


Mix all the dry ingredients and the ghee as well

the mix

Then add boiling water to the mix. Do not add the hot water all at once but little at a time. make sure you mix the batter while adding the hot water.

boiling water
hot water mixed into the dry ingredients

Once it has lost some heat and become warm enough to touch, stop mixing with the spoon and knead with hand . Work it on a flat surface like a slab for about 5 minutes.

the dough

Then roll the batter out like a thin crust pizza base.

Cut out thin strips & poke it with a fork to create tiny holes.

Bake for about 20–25 minutes at 180 degrees. After the first 10 minutes of the cooking time in the oven flip the thin strips so that the cooked side faces the bottom(on the parchment paper). All done!

the baked goodies !



GuiltFree Titbits

I am a school student passionate about food and DIYs