Dirt Baby

Heath ዟ
Guitars, Pedals, and Music
2 min readApr 6, 2018


The anniversary of my first (awful) demo recording is fast approaching on 4/9/2018.

On that day I’ll reveal the awfulness, but for now, in preparation, here is something I started working on in late 2016, but got sidetracked from until now.

This is the basic track. (me on guitar and production)

It started off as me just testing my own home-built Delay pedal.

(Oh, yeah, I build guitar pedals)

I originally recorded this to demo the pedal (the name “Dirt Baby” comes from the name of the circuit layout for the pedal, “Dirtbaby”) and sort-of got into a groove. If you know what a dotted 8th note is, then you may know how easy it is to get into a near-trance and keep going and going and going…

Anyway, I took the recording and started doing some post-process work on it, which is where all of the additional effects comes from, and really liked the outcome.

It’s far from finished, but still fun to listen to (at least for me).

Also of note, this was recorded on a home-built guitar as well

(Oh, yeah, I build guitars)



Heath ዟ
Guitars, Pedals, and Music

Destroyed. Rebuilt. Broken, Mended. Annihilated. Remade. Nothing special.