Announcing Official Gulp Consulting

Published in
1 min readOct 30, 2018

Build tools have become mandatory in the JavaScript ecosystem, but not everyone has time to keep up with the newest build tools or setup the most efficient processes. We’ve tried to simplify working with gulp by creating a Getting Started Guide and thorough API docs. Unfortunately, that’s not enough for everyone.

Throughout the last four years, we’ve performed complementary audits for open source projects and private companies. In that time, we’ve reviewed various build processes and gulpfiles at every scale. All of this has helped us move gulp forward and design the best patterns to benefit as many people as possible.

Unfortunately, we aren’t able do this work for free anymore, so we’re offering personalized gulp consulting to improve your workflows! We can work with you to:

  • Upgrade from gulp 3 to 4 using our new recommended patterns
  • Audit your existing build processes
  • Determine which build tools best fit your needs — not just gulp
  • Write custom plugins to speed up workflows or handle custom cases
  • Discuss any other ideas you have!

Funding received from consulting will help us continue to work on gulp. Contact us at to start improving your build process!



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Technical writer at GitHub. Content writer for gulp. Former Outreachy Intern for Systers. Mom to two tiny humans. (Views are my own)