Chat bots could be a beneficial addition to your business.

With the recent upsurge in the popularity of messaging apps and continuous advancements in artificial intelligence, chat bots are now seen as the technology of the future.

Shreya Akhouri
2 min readFeb 21, 2018


What are Chat bots?

Chat bots are computer programs designed to simulate human conversations especially over the internet.

They can be broadly classified into two categories-
AI powered Chat bots- These chat bots uses Artificial Intelligence to learn from multiple conversations, draw context and respond within that context. They are designed to talk as humans.
Script based Chat bots- These have a predefined script that they follow and are generally implemented for a specific use, for example customer service, shopping assistants and more.

Why Chat Bots?

  • Available 24*7- Gone are the days when you had to wait to connect to the customer care executive. These are now be replaced by live chats and other forms of contact methods like email and phone calls.
  • Customer Satisfaction- Humans are bound to change of feelings. Chat bots, then again, are bound by a few standards and obey them insofar as they’re modified to. They will dependably treat a client in the ideal way regardless of how unpleasant the individual is or how foul dialect the individual uses.
  • Cost Effective- One chat bot is equal to loads of employees, it can easily communicate with thousands of customers at the same time. It would bring down the expenses and bring a rise in revenue and customer satisfaction.
  • Work Automation- People tend to be less effective when given a recurring job. Chat bots can now automate tasks which are to be done frequently and at the right time. This helps people save time and be more effective.
Chat Bots are amazing

With the emergence of new innovative technologies and an increasing number of customers spending their time in messaging apps, the use of chat bots could be a beneficial addition to your business. Chat bots provide a gateway to valuable conversations and increased interaction speed, not only giving your business an opportunity to increase overall customer satisfaction but also to give yourself a modern edge that allows your customers to obtain desirable information more efficiently.

Connect to us through and know more amazing benefits of Chat Bots and maybe get one for your business.

