Creating Video Ads on Google adwords

a step by step guide to create your first video add on adwords

Shreya Akhouri
2 min readDec 26, 2017


Create a video campaign with video ad formats and engage your customer across video partner sites and YouTube. Available video ad formats include: TrueView in-stream ads, TrueView video discovery ads, and bumper ads.

When viewers see your video they want to know more about business and this helps you know your potential customers. Your video ad plays before or after other videos. Viewers have an option to skip the ad after 5 seconds of the video. You can measure your ad like how many times your a was viewed, the engagement on your ad, number of clicks, etc.

Sign In to your Google AdWords account, create a new campaign to start your Video ad.

Click on the ‘+’ option

Click on the ‘+’ option under Campaigns to create a new video campaign.

Select Video for the Campaign type.

Select a Goal for your ad, further fill all the information required for your campaign.
Select your Target Audience, Locations where you want your ads to show, Languages people speak, Age, Gender, Budget for your ad, Biding type and so on.

Fill the required details
Upload your YouTube video

Search for a video or paste the URL from YouTube of your video ad and click Save and continue.

If you just want to save the campaign and create your ad anytime after then you can click on skip ad creation at the right hand side.

If you want skip your ad click skip a creation.

Then select the type of video ad you want to deliver and save.

You can create your anytime you want it to deliver.
Create ad and start your ad.

