Leading Women in Sales: Allison Gietl

We asked some of our Sales Leaders to share the challenges they’ve faced in their careers as women, their bravest career moments and the best advice they’ve ever received

Vanessa Rivero
GumGum Culture Blog
3 min readMar 29, 2021


Spotlight: Allison Gietl, VP of East Coast Sales

As a female leader, what leadership lessons have you learnt over the course of your career?

Confidence. You must believe in yourself and be willing to stand out in a crowd in order to inspire confidence in others.

Courage. Embrace change, dare to be different and be willing to take the risk. Your voice is a powerful tool, use it.

Effective Communication. It’s ok to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is honest and relatable and can allow you the opportunity to have stronger and more effective communication at work.

What’s one piece of advice that greatly impacted you and your career trajectory?

Venture outside of your comfort zone was the best piece of advice that I received. I started my career in a completely different industry, an industry I was very comfortable in. I decided to make the transition into digital advertising sales and have never looked back. If you don’t challenge yourself, if you don’t embrace the discomfort, you will miss out on some great opportunities in life.

“Venture outside of your comfort zone was the best piece of advice that I ever received”

Which woman has inspired you the most and why?

My mother has been a true inspiration in my life. I am where I am and who I am because of her guidance, love, and support. She has taught me how to be strong, especially in tough times. She’s taught me to stand up for what I believe in and what is right. She’s stressed what’s important in life and how it’s ok to put family first. She’s taught me to do my best because no matter what the outcome was as long as I did my best I could be proud of myself. She will continue to be my forever role model and the most influential person in my life.

How do you unplug from work?

Exercising regularly is such a great stress reliever and has a positive effect on my mood. I run almost every morning to start my day off right. I love watching tv or reading a book to unwind after work. And yes, I usually add a glass of wine into my night time routine. I’m a very social person so I miss seeing friends and family and cannot wait for the world to normalize to be able to do so again.

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