Leading Women in Sales: Julie Wolf

We asked some of our Sales Leaders to share the challenges they’ve faced in their careers as women, their bravest career moments and the best piece of advice they’ve ever received

Vanessa Rivero
GumGum Culture Blog
4 min readMar 18, 2021


Spotlight: Julie Wolf, VP East Sales

As a female leader, what leadership lessons have you learnt over the course of your career?

Throughout my career at GumGum I’ve learned that your voice and opinion matters. For many years, I was very much in the weeds of the day to day and once I received the feedback that I needed to be more vocal and began taking that more seriously, I noticed tremendous growth at the leadership level. Women should not be afraid to speak up, because their perspective is just as important as anyone else!

What do you think are the main challenges and opportunities for the next generation of women leaders?

In most organizations, the c-suite is very much a boys club where women will never have a chance to succeed. But throughout the past 5 years, I’ve realized more and more companies understand this stigma needs to change and women should feel empowered to use their expertise and experience to push for promotions and ask for constructive feedback. Take advantage of your networking connections and shine in areas that you’re good at. If you decide to take a backseat and not engage with your managerial peers, nothing will change and you essentially won’t have the opportunity to grow. Nothing is handed to you, especially if you’re a woman.

What has been your bravest career moment?

My bravest moment came recently when I realized I needed to manage up and address a larger matter at hand that would normally be resolved at the leadership level. I realized if nothing was said, nothing would change and the feedback I received from my peers was very welcoming. They agreed it was the right thing to do and I’m glad I had the courage to say something.

What are some strategies that can help women achieve the success they want in their workplaces, especially in male-dominated roles or industries?

Most women in their lifetime experience a lot more challenges than men. Use this to your advantage. Take that confidence and show them who’s boss!

“Take that confidence and show them who’s boss!”

What’s one piece of advice that greatly impacted you and your career trajectory? My greatest takeaway would be to not assume someone else will do the job for you. Throughout my career at GumGum, I’ve worn many hats and the one that stuck the most was managing. Although sometimes when managing a team, the job can also come with additional responsibilities that I was not initially aware of. Don’t be that guy that says “well that’s not my job”. No one gets recognized for sitting there and complaining. Be positive, be enthusiastic about what you enjoy and if you do your job 110% you will shine, guaranteed.

Which woman has inspired you the most and why? There are so many inspiring women throughout history that it’s difficult to pinpoint one. But one that I feel clearly stood out amongst the rest, who showed her male dominated industry that a woman can do the job and can succeed would be RBG. Not only did she fight endlessly for women’s rights, she made it her duty to make sure laws were changed and there was more equality for all. If more women took the initiative to step up and follow RBG’s footsteps, collectively we could change the world!

How do you engage and empower others?

For those that have worked with me, they know my number one motto is “Health always comes first”. Every job can be extremely stressful, especially those that work in sales — high stress high reward. But you can’t give your full potential if you’re not taking care of yourself; mentally, physically, emotionally etc. No matter what the circumstance is, your health always needs to come first and everything else will follow. That way you can be your best self and strive to do what you love!

How do you unplug from work?

Shutting the laptop and stepping away from the computer, especially in a virtual world, is very difficult, but I’ve realized it is crucial for mental and physical health. Trying different workout classes (even in the convenience of my living room) has allowed me to focus my attention on something that will help my mind and body while providing a way to de-stress. I also love to cook! Adding on the extra Covid-19 lbs hasn’t been the most thrilling way to go through a pandemic, but finding new things to cook and trying new things has been a great way to escape and enjoy what I love to do the most!

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