GumGum’s Women Who Lunch

GumGum Tech Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2019

On Monday, April 23, GumGum held our first Women Who Lunch event. This recurring event was started to bring women from the tech industry into our office to share their story and answer questions from the women in engineering here at GumGum. Our first lunch featured Tricia Lee, the SVP of Product and Development at Sony DADC New Media Solutions. Tricia shared her story and answered our questions about career advancement, balancing your career with other things going on in your life, the best part of being a woman in tech (standing out and being unique!), communication tactics as a woman, and in general, challenges about being a woman in tech.

The feedback we got from the lunch was that it was really refreshing to have a speaker who was candid and open with her experiences, and who provided very practical advice. One tip that particularly resonated was to ask yourself where you want to be in 5 years, and what skills you would need to get there. Then, your goal is to work on acquiring those skills, and you should think of your work in terms of getting new skills for your “backpack” that you can carry with you in your career to help you get to where you want to go. It was also interesting learning about the differences between working at small and large companies, and how the challenges and dynamics change, but all experiences can provide valuable skill building and learning opportunities.

As guests, we left feeling really inspired and empowered, and we’re all super excited for the next one. Thanks again Tricia, for taking time to come in and speak with us!

Keep watching our event page for upcoming events in the series!

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