Upholding Standards: GumGum’s Dedication to DSA Compliance

Martin Altunyan
GumGum Tech Blog



In an era where digital services have become integral to our daily lives, ensuring their safety, accountability, and fairness is paramount. The Digital Services Act (DSA) emerges as a pivotal piece of legislation, poised to redefine the regulatory landscape of the digital realm. As a contextual-first global digital advertising platform, GumGum is committed to navigating this evolving regulatory landscape while upholding our core values of transparency, accountability, and user empowerment. In this blog post, we embark on a journey through GumGum’s meticulous approach to DSA compliance and the innovative strategies we employ to meet and exceed regulatory expectations.

Addressing Key Objectives:

  1. Enhancing Online Safety: GumGum recognizes the critical importance of fostering a safe online environment for users. To this end, we have implemented robust content moderation systems powered by advanced technologies and bolstered by strategic partnerships with trusted content filtering entities. Through real-time detection and swift action, we strive to combat illegal or harmful content, including hate speech, terrorist propaganda, and counterfeit goods, thereby promoting a safer digital ecosystem.
  2. Ensuring Platform Accountability: GumGum is dedicated to transparency and user empowerment, leveraging the Ad Choices framework in conjunction with DSA guidelines. By utilizing the Ad Choices button as a gateway to our modal, we provide EU users with essential information regarding ad delivery and sponsorship. This integration empowers users to make informed decisions about their online interactions while ensuring compliance with DSA principles.
  3. Promoting Fair Competition: GumGum is deeply committed to fostering a competitive digital marketplace characterized by fairness and equal opportunity. We adhere to stringent ethical standards in our business practices and maintain transparent relationships with advertisers and publishers alike. By facilitating open and equitable access to our advertising platform, GumGum contributes to a level playing field in the digital advertising ecosystem, in line with the objectives of the DSA.
  4. Strengthening User Rights: Upholding user rights, including the right to freedom of expression and privacy, is a foundational principle guiding GumGum’s operations. Through intuitive interfaces and innovative features, we empower users to assert control over their online experiences and personal data. By aligning seamlessly with the principles of the DSA, GumGum ensures that user rights remain sacrosanct in the digital realm.

Implementation Strategies:

GumGum’s approach to DSA compliance is characterized by a multifaceted implementation strategy encompassing various operational aspects:

  • Ad Choice Button and Modal: GumGum’s Ad Choice button serves as a gateway to transparency, providing EU users with detailed insights into ad delivery and sponsorship. Upon clicking the button, users are presented with a modal containing comprehensive information about the ad, including the advertiser, sponsor, and rationale for ad targeting.
  • Transparency in Ad Targeting: In addition to the Ad Choice button, GumGum goes the extra mile to enhance transparency by incorporating a “Why Are You Seeing This Ad?” section within the modal. This feature offers users invaluable insights into the criteria influencing ad targeting, ranging from basic advertising parameters to profiling and precise geolocation data. By demystifying the ad targeting process, GumGum empowers users to make informed decisions about their online interactions.


In navigating the complex terrain of digital regulation, GumGum remains steadfast in its commitment to DSA compliance. By leveraging innovative technologies and embracing regulatory requirements, GumGum aims to foster a digital advertising ecosystem characterized by safety, fairness, and transparency for all stakeholders. As we continue our journey towards regulatory compliance, GumGum remains at the forefront of industry innovation, setting new standards for ethical conduct and user-centricity in the digital age.


Please note that the implementation strategies mentioned in this blog post are part of GumGum’s ongoing efforts toward DSA compliance. While we are committed to aligning with regulatory requirements, the features described are not yet in production and are subject to further development and refinement.

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