11 Pandemic Practices, Discoveries, and Learnings That I Wish Would Never Go Away

Attempting to look on the bright side for a change

Debdutta Pal


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

I’ve spent the greater part of last year languishing. I’ve thought, dealt with, and written extensively about my failing mental health.

Grief, anger, and fatigue have been my constant companions, and I might miss them when all this is over. Every time I tried to focus on the bright side, the things that are working for me, guilt flooded my mind.

I’ve even discredited some of the negative experiences and challenges I was facing, as others dealt with worse — far worse.

They say time heals, but that has never been the case with me. Terrible memories of my past, when I wasn’t in control, pop up in vivid detail, at the most unsolicited moments. After 15 months of living in this mess, I’ve come to realize that time allows us to adapt.

A little while ago, I discussed with my Partner how we will be celebrating two birthdays (each) and two relationship anniversaries within the parameters of the Pandemic.

I was shocked at my zen-like reaction to planning our Anniversary. If anyone told me that I would be spending a major event, such as celebrating eleven years of sharing our lives together, binging Netflix…

