I Am So Tired of the Tone-deaf Moves of Fast Fashion Brands

Did you miss the memo on the pandemic?

Debdutta Pal


If you had someone in your life who never listened and continued their harmful practices. If they pretended all the while that they were trying to do better but weren’t doing anything significant — in reality, you wouldn’t keep that person in your life for long.

But, when it comes to Fashion and Beauty companies, most of us seem to have adopted a very lenient and tolerable attitude towards them.

They make 99 terrible moves and 1 good act (at their convenience), and we celebrate them for it. Even though some people, especially younger folks, are waking up to their master manipulation, most people are stuck, as we depend on them.

They’ve got us on a hook.

I do most of my shopping from H&M, as it is one of my Country’s very few size-inclusive brands. Although I am happy to see plus-size models in the extended sizes section and a diverse group of people in the regular category, I can’t help but notice that all of them are size zero.

If I have to buy something in XL — the last regular size option, I have no way of knowing how the piece would look on someone like me.

And that’s not okay.

