The Lonely Pink Mid-size Binder Clip

A poem

Debdutta Pal


Photo by Wilawan Pantukang from Pexels

Hanging beside other words
affirmations, both positive and cynical
you witness the truth
that they are seldom followed.

Ironically shaped like an anchor
you hold nothing down.
No movement, no change
it could easily be yesterday.

Speckles of ashy dust
can be wiped away in an instant
you could be born again
the story hasn’t taken form yet.

So much pressure to say
something unique
weave words into sentences
that have never been written before.

Maybe it’s better to be empty
than borrowed, stolen, and duplicated.
But to go on without validation
hasn’t been experimented with enough.

A paper to tightly hold on to
could be found tomorrow
but you will never know
it’s not in your control

You keep existing just because
without waiting for
the end nor the beginning

