The Sunken Floor

When Anxiety bends reality

Debdutta Pal
Published in
Jun 10, 2021


Photo by Benjamin Lehman from Pexels

Everything seems far —
from here.
Not too much,
I think I saw it yesterday,
Just barely out of reach.

Maybe it is distant,
Who can tell anymore?

Feet sink on the muddy floor,
I can’t walk any longer, I want —
To lie down.

I feel damp; I feel cold.
Sweat beads set in,
My skin itches.
Lift my arm up to find the red,
There’s nothing here.

Heap of learnings,
Lie exhausted beside me.

Changes and transformation,
A million looks —
inside my mind.

Thought I would be doing,
better — by now.
That it would get easier,
Or at least halfway through,
Familiarity breeds contempt.

Day turns into night,
And night into day.

I feel weightless; I feel burdened —
a little misunderstood.
Where to now?

