The answer is not more legislation 

Gun-control won't make the killings stop

Gun Culture


After every single mass shooting, there’s a renewed call for more gun control laws. This is, I think, an unnatural response. The criminals are the ones doing the evil things with guns. So why would criminals obey new, “common sense” laws that make owning certain weapons illegal?

The answer to that question is that there is no reason they would obey the law. By definition, a criminal is one who disobeys the law. The common argument for more regulation is that the illegal weapons will be harder to get, and in turn, prevent future mass murders. In reality this couldn't be further from the truth.

Guns that become illegal are just sold in the black market. We outlawed drugs and how did that work? The drugs and drug users just all disappeared, right? No. They were sold in the shadows. The same would happen with outlawed guns. In this utopia that so many ignorant people dream of, only the criminals would have the weapons.

Isla Vista, Sandy Hook, and Aurora — some of the worst shootings in recent years—would not have been prevented by new gun control laws. One of the reasons that laws wouldn’t have helped is that these psychopaths put an extreme amount of planning into their killings. The fact that you can walk into a gun store and purchase an ar-15 doesn’t inspire anyone to go out and commit murder.

If you really want change, start somewhere besides the Second Amendment, it’s here to stay. Below are two important ways that we can use to stop, or severely limit life lost in mass shootings.

Better mental health system -

I know this is talked about, but that’s because it’s really important. Much more important than gun regulation.

Do away with gun-free zones -

Before you yell at me for being an NRA supporting, gun toting maniac, know that I am not a member of the NRA nor do I ever carry a weapon in public. However, I do know that gun-free zones do not prevent crime. Just think about it. You're a criminal about to rob a store but you stop and get back in your car because you see a “No Firearms” sign on the door? What kind of criminal would do that?

