Conversations with Orbita PODCAST — Episode 1: The Patient Experience and Conversational AI
Gunpowder News


This article has been taken by Gunpowder from the Orbita website and can be also viewed at this link

Automation with empathy. The idea is to create an experience that automates a workflow… but it’s also the idea of building empathy that makes conversational experiences, I think, different than traditional digital experiences.” -Treloar

Last week, Orbita launched a new podcast exploring a wide variety of topics around the use and impact of conversational AI technology in the healthcare and pharma/life sciences industries.

2020 brought on tremendous change, particularly in how we deliver and receive healthcare. Telehealth, remote care and monitoring, and virtual communication have moved to the center stage of the healthcare experience as we navigate the challenges of a COVID-19 pandemic-riddled world. Behind the scenes, advanced conversational AI technologies support this significant transition to accessible digital care.

Throughout this new podcast series, Orbita intends to share its goals for revolutionizing the industry with HIPAA-secure chat and voice-powered experiences and why digitally reimagining the healthcare landscape is essential for progress and recovery.

“The ability to meet people where there are in their regular lives through what we call omnichannel experiences is so powerful.” -Ebong

In this first episode, meet our hosts!

Nathan Treloar, President, Co-Founder, COO at Orbita:
Nate has over 20 years of experience as a key executive within FAST Search, Microsoft, RAMP, and, most recently, Ektron. Nate is a respected expert and speaker on search, text, and data mining and has advised hundreds of the world’s largest companies and government agencies.

Kristi Ebong, SVP of Corporate Strategy at Orbita:
Kristi has nearly 15 years of experience in health tech. Prior to Orbita, she was Head of Emerging Technology at Cedars-Sinai and served under the Obama Administration in the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT. Kristi’s professional roots include time spent at Epic Systems, large healthcare providers, startups, and foundations.

With significant experience in healthcare IT, both Nate and Kristi have dedicated their careers to improving the healthcare experience. Tune into this podcast episode to hear what motivates them in their work and what personal, conversational experiences have shaped their perceptions of healthcare.

“There’s something here. For this audience, this community, this demographic that my parents represent if they can embrace this particular voice interface, then it has potential. That’s what drove me.” -Treloar

“A lot of people don’t know this, but I am actually hearing impaired (since I was four years old). Being able to overcome some of those access limitations has always been front and center because it affects everything that I do. It’s what inspired me to bring this type of flexible tech to different types of folks — maybe some of those we haven’t been able to reach effectively in the past.” -Ebong


Gunpowder News

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