20. The power of vision


Illustration by Yvonne M. Estrada

As important as it is to be in the moment, fully present in and accepting of how things are, Guru Grrrl knows it is also important to be able to conjure a vision of how things might be. Being able to picture a different version of our lives can inspire us to take action to achieve that transformation.

Can you imagine your life looking different than it does now? Are you engaged in more satisfying work? Are you living in another environment? Has there been a change in your friends or circle of associates?

What about the world? Could you see human relationships playing out in other ways? Can you visualize resources being distributed more equitably? Can you conceive of society being organized to promote different values?

When we cannot imagine alternatives for ourselves, we can feel stuck, maybe even sink into depression. I remember a time in my early twenties when I was living in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I wanted to be a performer and a writer, but I couldn’t see any way to get there. I couldn’t see how I was going to make a living; I was waitressing at the time. I had lived through a time of my political heroes being assassinated, of cities erupting in conflagration because of rampant injustice, of knowing the government had lied to us about Vietnam.



Terry Wolverton
GURU GRRRL: 45 Powers to Transform Your World

Author of 12 books of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, including EMBERS, a novel in poems; INSURGENT MUSE, a memoir; and the novel, SEASON OF ECLIPSE.