Nebulas the Distributed Ledger Technology Amalgamator

Ekene Obi
Published in
6 min readFeb 19, 2018

Table of Contents

-What is Nebulas?
-Why Nebulas
-Nebulas Vs. Ethereum
-Nebulas VS Google
-Nebulas Team


Nebulas (NAS) often generalized to be t he search engine of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), “the Google of blockchain” as informally referred.
It’s much more than just a search engine for blockchains which the feature Nebulas Rank is responsible for, is one-third of the elements Nebulas has to offer, other features include, a platform for developing decentralized applications (DAPPS).

What is Nebulas?

Nebulas is a platform whose core value proposition is to create value comparison system, which gives the DLT sphere legitimacy and flexible use case in my own opinion. This feature of Nebulas will make the adoption and use of the technology more accessible.
Digressing a little more into this, take for instance the present DLT sphere, chains are not interoperable, and because of this, it’s challenging to compare claims like transactions and speed across all chains.Most chains have individual explorers, but none is generic to all DLT which is what Nebulas is and will be, this is a tall order to accomplish.
With Nebulas Rank it will be easier to research the DLT sphere, choose the best chain that satisfies specific purposes, just like how you use google to search websites or information on the web.
Nebulas won’t be precisely defined if other two main features of Nebulas are skipped.We have Nebulas Force (NF), which utilizes the Nebulas interoperability to help fix other chains.Blockchain codes can be edited on the NF, and won’t be published on the main chain until the consensus is accepted before the developers will post the code on the main chain. Helps bring blockchain more harmony and synchronization makes the sphere more democratic as it should, and fewer forks.
Also, there is Developer Incentive Protocol (DIP) which rewards developers for their devotion in writing and editing codes through the use or Proof of Devotion consensus on the Nebulas framework, and this is important as developers should be taken seriously like miners and Nebulas addresses this issue as it should with DIP. Most ICOs on other platform take out a portion of their funds for research and development, with the interoperability of Nebulas most of this ICOs can be developed and edited on Nebulas framework, using the DIP and NF features.

Why Nebulas?

There is two main reason why Nebulas is needed in the sphere right now.

Nebulas is what is needed in the space right now, I mean with the issue of Bitconnet and some other scam platforms, Nebulas will make the DLT sphere organized and valid, make sure a chain does what it says it does, codes are viewable and fake, or spam transactions are fished out.
Due to the openness of most blockchain codes can be easily forked or copied, and because developers are not incentivized directly to remain committed to a project.With Nebulas the rightful people that should matter in the space are taken care of, this will reduce the number of developments in the sphere that is not necessarily adding new value, and developers are dropping projects to start theirs due lack of an improper system to take care of them.

Nebulas VS Ethereum

Ethereum as a proven framework is comparable to Nebulas but different in the form of various and improved use cases with Nebulas. Ethereum, a developer’s haven, has over one thousand projects running on its framework. When Vitalik first introduced it, it seemed impossible and for the first year after its Mainnet lunch, didn’t gain lots of followers or traction in price until after its first hard fork and ICO, till the framework is provenly extensively will institutional investors coming. I see Nebulas following the same path, The project is magnanimous and has a very tall order to fill, and it’s a new initiative in the space.Most people are not very familiar with the use cases in the sphere, and Nebulas will have to prove its use extensively before it will gain more traction as it should, probably the reason the nebulas team is holding off massive promotions until the Mainnet is live.
Ethereum is Implementing various sidechains and protocols on its network, due to scalability issues, the number of processes that run Ethereum overwhelms the system.Multiple development teams are proposing solutions like Plasma, Raiden, Casper, etc. some of these improvements run ICOs to gather money to work on this projects, to improve the scalability of Ethereum. I know for a fact that Raiden did run an ICO, and Omisego (OMG) which is introducing Plasma also ran an ICO. My point here is with Nebulas there would have been no need to gather funds independently as the Nebulas framework provides for developers through POD and DIP, so it will continuously be improved, and developers will consistently be incentivized to remain loyal to the structure. To think about it, Ethereum can be fixed using NF and the improvements sent to the Mainnet once its completed and yet the developers get paid no need for ICO.
Can see here how Nebulas will help the ecosystem its use case is extensive and needed for the effect it will have will be felt by all chains.

Nebulas Vs. Google

Google founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, created value in the World Wide Web ecosystem by ranking vital links of individual web pages, “the relentless search for better answers continues to be at the core of everything we do” (google,2018). Though there were other search engines then but google came out superior due to its reliance on a mathematical algorithm in its purest form to determine essential pages.
Now Nebulas is bringing value to the DLT ecosystem, there are over 3000 projects and might get to unmonitorable figures and due to the speculative nature price and market cap are not the right way to determine essential chains in the ecosystem. Nebulas Ranking will evaluate crucial chains through the amount of use and transfer of value between parties, and it will have a system that fishes out spam and spoofed transactions, so a chain doesn’t appear to relevant when not used.
Due to how vast space is getting there is the need for a real value system, that places importance on chains with value.These give the sphere value and significance for easy adoption and use because Google is limited to web pages only and can’t search the DLT sphere there is a need for Nebulas to do this work bringing value to the ecosystem.

Nebulas Team

Nebulas team comprises of high profile individuals who have been at the forefront of blockchain development especially in China. Hitters Xu was part of the Bits Club, which was the first bitcoin and blockchain community in China, he has involved with reputable blockchain and tech projects same goes for Robin Zhong and Aero Wang.
Ranking based on commits in the past 6months or 3months out of over 600 blockchain projects by cryptomiso, Nebulas team ranks seventh with most commits from 18 developer commits, this shows that they are severe with Nebulas development and dedicated to the project and what they have been working on will be released soonest. In the roadmap, they are 90% ready to lunch the Mainnet, which they have launched its Testnet, in Q1. At least we can say they are not just on track with their milestones but releasing the Mainnet earlier than schedule shows they are an overperforming team.


Nebulas is an excellent project with strong fundamentals, though not proven I see signs in developments that will come to fruition, its long-term vision and mission have traits of revolutionary concepts like Google and Ethereum. As an amalgamator it has come to give value to the Distributed Ledger Technology ecosystem, providing relevance in a sphere that is somewhat unorganized and cumbersome.
In Five years, most projects will collapse, it’s only projects that have relevance and use will remain am sure that Nebulas will last a lifetime.


