Gus Montes
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2018


Stephen Hawking died tonight.

It saddens me since he was on my list of persons who have inspired me and I have never met. It is the second person on that list that I could have met had I just been faster, bolder & more determined. But I wasn’t. So it saddens me.

He taught me about the wonders of the universe, the relativity of all. How things can be both so simple yet so complex & beautiful.

More importantly he taught me about love.

I really wish I could have been able to talk to him. Just thank him.

Of course he is more than flesh & bone. And I take relief that his beliefs live as water for the garden that became my mind.

I’ll visit him in dreams. Perhaps talk to him as an echo of time. Maybe become friends in a different history.

Perhaps more important,

I never want to lose you.

And I can’t wait to for our paths to collide in our current history. Be it with the help of time, quantum mechanics or just the sheer will of 2 people deeply in love with each other.

I wish to see you soon, kiss your cheek and hold you for as long as I haven’t.

I love you.

I ended up not being brief, but then again. Time is relative and it warps in many ways when writing, talking, seeing & touching you.

Tears on my face are dried away with the invisible cloth of your smile in my mind.

Thank you for that

A guy entering a black hole, sleeping.

Hoping to awake with woman on a distant place



Gus Montes

Brilliance is equally distributed, Opportunity is not.