Stake Some Delicious Potassium Currency.

Published in
Jul 8, 2021

It’s finally here! Banano staking has gone live on GUStakes as of Monday July 5th, 2021. Wrapped Banano on the Binance Smart Chain network can now be used to stake. To obtain Wrapped Banano, visit, and connect your metamask wallet to get started. Once your Banano is wrapped and in your wallet, you will be able to stake on GUStakes as normal.

The introduction of Wrapped Banano opens the door for other ERC20, (or analogs on other chains) to be integrated into GUStakes. What are some tokens you would like to see integrated? Join us on Discord and leave your feedback in the #suggestions, or #wishlist channel, or respond to this survey.

Huge shoutout to discord user JPistheWaytoBe#9397 for suggesting to include Banano.

Have fun and GG’s!

