Job Searching is so 2000 and Late. Introducing
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6 min readOct 10, 2018


Maybe you were too young to remember the treacherous days of searching for a job before the advent of online job boards. Our ancestors (see: parents) spent many hours flipping through stacks of print-outs, manually researching prospective companies, writing down the corresponding contact information with a pen and pad, creating customized resumes for each position, and downloading the files onto a floppy disk. They would then crank up the 1987 El Camino, head the closest print shop, spend a fortune on specialty resume cardstock, drive to the local post office, mail off the stack of resumes, and faithfully await a response by snail mail.

Thankfully, times have changed.

Now job postings are just one click away. We can sit behind our computers and peruse new jobs on one of the 100,000 existing job boards from the comfort of our current job. We can search for local openings, scout career moves at interesting startups, and even view open positions at companies all around the world.

Seems like progress, right?

Not quite. Let me explain why.

Data Ownership.

We’ve learned through social media platforms that our data is valuable. Take, for example, Facebook. While we logged on to chat with friends, liked pictures of dogs, share pictures of our families on our news feeds, Facebook’s algorithms were in the background learning.

They gathered more data about us than your parents could ever know (or ever cared to know) and sold this data to the highest bidder. Through the Cambridge Analytica fiasco, we learned the hard way that unnamed third parties may not always have our best interest at heart.

But what about our data on job boards?

With over 500 million users and 10 million job posts, LinkedIn is currently the largest professional social network. 87% of recruiters use LinkedIn to source potential candidates, while job-seekers upload their CV data in hopes of finding new job opportunities. Its like Tinder for employment; both parties are interested in finding the other party. LinkedIn charges recruiters who want to find you up to $8,999 per year to access your recruitment information while aggressively suggesting premium accounts on the job-seekers.

LinkedIn premium pricing

The people who cannot afford the premium payment are 2x less likely to get hired, receive 2x fewer messages from recruiters, and have 2x fewer profile views. Their profiles are hidden from recruiters, and they are hit by a paywall.

Not owning your data places you in a bubble. Your opportunities are held hostage by data oligarchs who pick and choose which content they deem relevant for you. They collect free information, lock it up behind a paywall, and keep it out of your reach.

The current recruitment model holds you back from opportunities.

We’re changing that.

Introducing is a decentralized HR blockchain protocol that enables interaction between top talent and recruiters without going through a job board. Blockchain technology together with smart contracts facilitates a truly decentralized infrastructure for both users and companies. It enables direct peer to peer communication without costly intermediaries, cuts costs, encourages permissionless access and permits self-sovereign data ownership.

9 Benefits of Searching for a Job with

Interview invites directly to your inbox

You Don’t Search for a Job. Jobs Search for You. Constantly.

Searching for jobs is so 2000 and late. When you log onto, we ask you for your current skills, the skills you are working on, and where you would like to be in the future. Instead of being boxed into your past experiences, create a list of which companies, industries, and future career moves interest you. Companies use these keywords to deep scan when searching for fitting candidates.

We aren’t just a matching app. We’re an ecosystem enabling multiple recruitment applications.

With just one log in, you’ll gain access to multiple recruitment applications that will advance your career. For example- our partners are working on a full-fledged career guidance app that analyzes candidate’s professional data and recommends the next best move, be it an internship, a certification, or something else. Your completed professional updates are automatically pushed to the native applicant tracking systems of the companies on your desired list. With. just. one. click.

Unbiased Recruitment

Humans are plagued with unconscious bias. It’s proven, and it greatly affects the hiring process. Unconscious bias is defined as any prejudice we have without being aware that we have it. We naturally form stronger bonds, for example, with people who look and act like us, which can gradually create highly homogenous workplaces. If we take the flawed human psyche out of the sourcing step, just imagine the colorful workplaces that we can create.

You deserve opportunities based on your skill set, not on your appearance. Anonymous profiles promote fairness and unbiased recruitment during the sourcing process, as only skills, experience, and career goals are considered relevant matching criteria. When a company requests to know more, they send you a token amount of your choice, and you share an encrypted link with access to your full data.

Complete Data Ownership

On, you have total control of your data. Choose whom you share it with, choose whom you block it from, choose to delete it forever. With blockchain and recruitment, you are in control. *User information is not saved on blockchain itself, only a link to the encrypted private data is saved on the ledger.

Direct Pipeline to Interesting Employers

Say, there is a company that you’d like to work for in the next 5 years. You have no internal contacts at the company, and you are aware that your experience isn’t deep enough just yet. As you’ll own your data, you may choose to automatically push your professional updates directly to the applicant tracking systems of the companies of their choice, staying passively connected with interesting companies throughout your career. When the time comes, and your talent and experience ripen, a recruiter will see your fresh information in their native applicant tracking systems. This small but powerful feature is only available when end users own and choose what to do with their data.

Tailor-Fit Job Offers

Ever received a job offer as a truck driver in Dubai? Multi-level-marketing Maven in Kentucky, but you’re a video producer in New York? A window washer in Brazil, but you live 5,000km away? Recruiters have to fill a quota of people contacted, which leads to a lot of unnecessary job offers. With, candidates are in total control of their data so they may set parameters on what type of job offers they receive. Say hello to tailored offers based on your skills and career aspirations, and say goodbye to recruiter spam. It’s almost like having a personal, automated headhunter working around the clock on your behalf.

Save Time

Research shows that the typical candidate spends about 3 to 4 hours preparing and submitting one job application. High-volume, low impact, repetitive tasks are the norm when applying for a job: reformatting a resume to fit the requirements of each company, re-entering the same information, personalizing an exorbitant amount of cover letters, and sending them off with a prayer. Rinse, wash, repeat, until you land a job. It’s no surprise that 60 percent of job seekers quit in the middle of filling out online job applications. Recruitment on blockchain changes that by allowing you to push updates in one central location, and send your CV information directly to companies without going through a job board or ATS.

No More Guesswork

Companies should outline which crucial documents and information are required when applying. Transparent requirements facilitate fully complete applications, which increases your chances of being considered for a position. Now, you do not have to go through endless rounds, meetings, and interviews to find out at the end, that they do not have the mandatory requirements for the job.

Fun Hiring Experience

Time is up for boring hiring experiences. In candidate-driven markets, the way a company advertises, recruits, interviews, hires, and onboards a new worker has risen in the ranks of importance. As companies realizing that positive hiring experiences strengthen the buying relationship between the employer and the candidate, expect fun chatbots, one-on-one chats, and fully branded hiring setups.

Welcome to the new wave of job searching. Without searching. Join us.


gustnetwork connects job seekers and recruiters without spending money and time on job boards.