Exploring the Benefits of Chamomile Supplements for Cognitive Function and Gut Health

Discover How to Choose the Best Chamomile Supplements and Incorporate Them into Your Daily Routine for Optimal Health

Gut Life.
4 min readMar 11, 2023


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Chamomile has been linked to potential benefits for both cognitive function and gut health. Several studies have suggested that chamomile may have a calming effect on the brain, potentially improving mood, reducing stress, and enhancing cognitive function. Chamomile has also been studied for its potential anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties, which may benefit gut health. Inflammation and spasms in the gut can contribute to various digestive issues, such as IBS and colitis. Additionally, chamomile has been suggested to have potential benefits for digestion, as it may help increase bile production and reduce inflammation in the gut. Chamomile tea is a common way to consume chamomile, but it can also be taken as a supplement. As with any dietary change or supplement, it’s important to talk to a healthcare professional before incorporating chamomile into your routine.

There are two main types of chamomile that are commonly used for their health benefits: German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) and Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile).

German chamomile is the more commonly used type of chamomile for medicinal purposes. It has small, daisy-like flowers with white petals and yellow centers. German chamomile is often used for its potential anti-inflammatory and calming effects, as well as for its potential benefits for digestion.

Roman chamomile, on the other hand, has similar properties but is less commonly used for medicinal purposes. It has small, daisy-like flowers with white petals and yellow centers, but its flowers are larger than those of German chamomile. Roman chamomile is often used for its potential calming and relaxing effects, as well as for its mild sedative properties.

Both types of chamomile can be consumed as tea, taken as a supplement, or used in aromatherapy. It’s important to note that chamomile supplements may interact with certain medications, so it’s always a good idea to talk to a healthcare professional before incorporating chamomile into your routine.

Chamomile can be incorporated into your diet in a variety of ways. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Chamomile tea: The easiest and most common way to consume chamomile is by making chamomile tea. Simply steep a chamomile tea bag in hot water for a few minutes and enjoy. You can add honey or lemon for flavor, if desired.
  2. Smoothies: Add a few chamomile flowers or a chamomile tea bag to your morning smoothie for a calming and soothing effect.
  3. Baked goods: Chamomile can be added to baked goods such as muffins, scones, and cakes. Simply steep chamomile flowers or tea bags in milk or water, and use the liquid in place of regular milk or water in your recipe.
  4. Salads: Chamomile flowers can add a unique flavor and texture to salads. Simply chop up a few flowers and sprinkle them over your salad.
  5. Sauces and dressings: Chamomile can be used in sauces and dressings to add a subtle, calming flavor. Simply steep chamomile flowers or tea bags in vinegar or oil, and use the liquid in your recipe.

Remember to always talk to a healthcare professional before incorporating chamomile or any other supplement into your routine.

What are the best chamomile supplements

When it comes to choosing the best chamomile supplements, it’s important to look for high-quality products from reputable brands. Here are a few things to keep in mind when selecting a chamomile supplement:

  1. Look for supplements that contain chamomile extract standardized to at least 1.2% apigenin, which is the active compound in chamomile that is believed to have health benefits.
  2. Choose supplements that are made from organic or wildcrafted chamomile to ensure that the plant has not been exposed to harmful pesticides or other chemicals.
  3. Check for other ingredients in the supplement, such as fillers, preservatives, or artificial colors and flavors. Ideally, the supplement should contain only chamomile extract and natural fillers or excipients.
  4. Read product reviews and check the reputation of the brand before making a purchase.

Here are some examples of well-regarded chamomile supplements:

  1. Gaia Herbs Chamomile Supreme: This supplement contains organic chamomile extract standardized to 1.2% apigenin, as well as organic chamomile flowers. It’s free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives.
  2. Nature’s Way Chamomile: This supplement contains chamomile flower extract standardized to 1.2% apigenin, and is made from non-GMO chamomile.
  3. Solaray Chamomile: This supplement contains chamomile flower extract standardized to 1.2% apigenin, and is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives.

As with any supplement, it’s important to talk to a healthcare professional before incorporating chamomile into your routine.

Take away

Chamomile is a popular herb that has been used for centuries to promote relaxation, calmness, and improve sleep. In addition to these benefits, research has also shown that chamomile may have positive effects on cognitive function and gut health. While chamomile supplements are available, it’s important to choose high-quality products from reputable brands to ensure that you are getting the best possible results. When selecting a chamomile supplement, look for those that are standardized to contain at least 1.2% apigenin, made from organic or wildcrafted chamomile, and free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. As with any supplement, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before adding chamomile to your daily routine.



Gut Life.

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