GET September ’22 — Lock it in

Olivier Biggs
Blog  - GUTS Tickets
12 min readOct 3, 2022

The wait is (almost) over! A new update with some much awaited confirmation and multiple things to look forward to.

Here we are again! Another update to quench your thirst.

While the world and most markets with it are either im- or exploding, this update should hopefully deliver some bright points on the horizon. Because, believe it or not, there are plenty of things around the GET ecosystem to be excited about. Name a few, you say? Sure thing:

  • This isn’t our first bear rodeo. More and more deals are being signed and actual revenue from our rendered services (crazy concept!) is coming in.
  • We’ve been able to build a stable and exponentially growing base layer of ticket volume -Roughly 150K NFT tickets per month over the last quarter. This month’s numbers at the time of writing:
  • The GET team continues to grow in order to meet demand. This month we were happy to welcome Imre and Sophie to the GET / GUTS offices.

P.S. Did you know we have a fully updated career site? We have more open positions listed, so if you are interested in joining our mission and have a matching skill set for any of the openings, or if you are convinced you can add value to the operation, do reach out!

  • The last month has seen the number of wallets holding the GET token grow by several hundred, with a similarly notable increase seen across the social channels; with followers, engagement and reach achieving similarly healthy growth.

Good stuff, no? And that’s not even the half of it.

Introducing AuthenTIX

If you are into new integrators onboarding onto the protocol, you will have been thrilled by the announcement of GET Protocol’s latest ecosystem addition: AuthenTIX.

BusinessInsider first broke the news:

Then Ticketingbusiness picked it up, amongst others:

Based in the US, AuthenTIX is headed by music industry veteran Tishawn Gayle, who has been around the block, with a track record ranging from Def Jam records to Compound Entertainment. Compound also the home of Ne-Yo, for whom the first AuthenTIX tickets were sold, in the form of exclusive Meet & Greet access & collectibles, for his current UK tour.

Speaking of hitting the ground running, this is the first time an integrator has achieved stadium-level visibility within a week of launch: Check out AuthenTIX being broadcasted to the Ne-Yo audience at the OVO Arena Wembley last night.

Not a bad start! Backstage, the first Meet & Greet tickets were processed by AuthenTIX.

The man himself shared a quote about the collaboration with AuthenTIX:

“Digital collectibles are the future and I’m incredibly excited to work with AuthenTIX to put NFTs right in the hands of my fans. The company has the potential to create disruptive event experiences across the globe and bring entertainers and fans closer together than ever before in a secure way.” — Ne-Yo

GET Protocol’s CEO Maarten Bloemers also had something to say: “We are thrilled to welcome AuthenTIX into the GET Protocol ecosystem. It is awesome to see a forward-thinking organization from the entertainment business expand into ticketing. I look forward to seeing AuthenTIX harness our tech for a better fan experience.”

Earlier in the week we held a joined Twitter Spaces with AuthenTIX, where we were joined by Tishawn. Thanks to all those who attended!

Due to either a technical glitch or a screw-up by Olivier (he insists the former), the Spaces was not recorded properly to playback here. Luckily we have some highligts in bulletpoint form.

  • GET Protocol & AuthenTIX met last year, after Tishawn was told about ‘an NFT ticketing platform’ and he immediately dropped everything else he was doing to find out what it was. Three days later, he met Tom and Willem from the GET sales team in London and the rest is history.
  • Tishawn is currently touring with Ne-Yo in London, where they are also getting to see their system in action for the very first time, which has been awesome and a proud moment. Seeing the dashboard update checked-in tickets in real-time was specifically memorable.
  • The approach for AuthenTIX is two-fold; partly educating the artists and brands that they work with about the possibilities of NFT’s, and otherwise putting on kick-ass events.
  • Tishawn sees a big opportunity for further personalising experience packages for artists & using the NFT as a growing community building tool that follows the artist from event to event.
  • AuthenTIX is aiming to ticket all sorts of events, from meet & greets to conferences, concerts and beyond. The sky is the limit.

Be sure to give AuthenTIX a warm welcome and follow on Twitter:

Confirming the arrival of GET staking

Yes, that long awaited moment is fast approaching and we are happy to formally announce GET staking! A new way to be rewarded for participation, build your reputation, and architect the future of ticketing revenue with us.

If you hold GET, you will soon (before the end of the year) be able to lock it for a given period, in exchange receiving token rewards and access to governance through a derivative token.

We believe that the governance of a protocol should not be a simple revolving door of token ownership, but rather a core community of people deeply vested in the better interests of the protocol. With staking, we are introducing the first major step in that direction.

What you need to know

- Staking is coming by the end of year, pending third-party audits. Full details and a technical write up will be available at the time of launch.

- Staking revenue rewards and governance will be distributed via xGET, a tokenized commitment to the long-term vision of the protocol.

- Staking will go where the tokens are; meaning Ethereum and Polygon.

- We are working on providing multiple streams of revenue to stakers, even capturing protocol owned liquidity trading fees. Details around this will be revealed on or before launch!

Why Staking?

As has been the case with every major release in the history of GET Protocol, we have taken our time to do it the right way. Simply introducing staking for the sake of offering a juicy yield paid for by a quickly depleting fund to short term traders would not have added any sensible value to the protocol and its participants.

A core fundamental building block of everything GET Protocol offers is the concept of shared, distributed revenue, accomplished through the power of our ticketing & event financing infrastructure.

This building block has not only been successful in terms of solving industry problems, but also in creating a fair environment for content creators. The concept of distributed revenue is a key one for the future of creative work and organisational structures. But it can’t simply stop there.

At the heart of the GET DAO we are building the bedrock of distributed ownership, that is, anyone and everyone is welcome to partake in formulating a direction the protocol should take simply by holding a token. This is a revolutionary idea that has driven DAO adoption far and wide, and it brings on its heels many implications about what a fully decentralized organization can accomplish.

With the introduction of GET staking, we are bringing that concept of shared ownership and aligning it with shared revenue.

Our primary objective: To align ownership within the GET DAO & community with the future of our NFT ticketing ecosystem as a whole.

Introducing xGET

Toward this end, we have built a custom locking mechanism laying the groundwork for participation in ownership, and securing a strong and optimistic outlook on the future of the protocol, while also keeping a fee-based instant withdrawal in place for anyone that needs instant access.

Powering this will be a GET derivative: xGET, which will serve as the governance token and means of reward accrual, will be distributed to anyone that stakes their GET tokens.

The GET Protocol staking mechanism will function on all chains in which the GET token is natively supported, meaning both Polygon and Ethereum, with built in gas optimizations to keep the process of staking, unstaking, voting, etcetera as affordable as possible.

GET is platform agnostic and we aim to include anyone, no matter your preferred network. Of course, none of this is possible without the backbone of a strong, aligned community.

As such, we are designing a rewards mechanism, encompassing multiple revenue streams directly from protocol operations, including new ones built atop the original Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL) program that will decentralize staking rewards in what we believe to be an industry first.

What to expect

If this leaves you wanting more information, great. Consider this a heads up, or a pre-announcement of sorts. We will have a lot more ins & outs to share soon, including a full technical breakdown of the flow, components and variables available at launch.

A mock-up of the staking interface. Final result could vary greatly!

Right now, we are working on building out the front-end and waiting on the proper audits for our contracts. We think this ushers the community into an exciting future and we hope you’ll come along and for it.

To get started, you’ll need to hold some GET to be ready for the staking contracts to go live. We have resources and an excellent community on Discord to help get you going, and we can’t wait to show you what’s next for the future of GET Protocol.

State of the DAO

It’s that time of the month again and we’re happy to report the state of the DAO remains strong! This month was largely focused on backend tasks, getting the DAO ready for the next stage, and to that end the work done on staking is what is going to enable all future developments on the project.

We are currently here. Previously, all votes were open to all token holders. The “Community” would vote directly, the team would execute the result. With staking, we are taking the next step toward aligning the voting body of the greater Community with a vested interest in governance of the DAO by moving the voting body into the governance token holders only (this will be a GET derivative, obtained from staking your $GET for a set period of time).

As we move forward toward the final design architecture of the GET DAO, we are inching quite close to the implementation of the Council, the most important governing body of the future DAO. As such, we think the coming months will be an excellent time to shine a spotlight back on our members and highlight achievements and roles we have all gained together.

We will be announcing a number of ways outstanding members will be able to go further in the coming weeks and months. Stay tuned and be sure to join our Discord server for all the latest news and DAO governance functions.

Event Financing update

The prodigal blockchain developer and technical blogger ‘Kasper Keunen’ returns with a chunky update around the Event Financing Module. Do you want to learn the insights from our initial pilot? Do you want to find out what we are focussed on on that front for the time to come? Do you want to understand what the hell the image below means?

Then we welcome you to pour yourself a scotch, put on your reading glasses and dig in:

Post-Event NFT Ticket Updates

Pushing the boundaries of NFT’s, always.

Video NFTs — Fleshing Out Desirable Collectible Types

With one eye set on accessibility & the other on innovation, we’re constantly looking to push the post-event NFT boat out into unexplored territories. One area that’s been of hotly anticipated interest, is amplifying the interactivity of our collectibles through video content.

This month we launched our first version of video NFTs with Dermot Kennedy’s Sonder Street Session in Edinburgh at the beginning of September. This usecase brought an evolving polaroid collectible showcasing highlight moments from the busk.

Check out the collectibles & collection here.

Expanding our horizon to look at usecases for this feature, we foresee:

- ‘Polaroid’ Collectibles — Taking snippets of event footage and remastering into a memorable polaroid.

- Deeper partner activations through sponsored highlight moments, e.g a branded ‘play of the game’ for sports events.

- Further interactive evolving collectibles — ideal for post-event storytelling & future event activations.

We’re excited to work with our partners to expand on what’s possible & further tie fan sentimentality deep within each and every ticket!

NFT Claiming: Retroactive Distributions

In the wake of V2, our development team set to work on an important feature to improve the claiming accessibility of post-event NFT Tickets — Retroactive NFT Distributions.

Before this update, an event attendee needed to enter their wallet address into their ticketing profile before the event in order for their NFT to be automatically distributed when their ticket was checked-in at an event.

This of course meant that any fan that became curious about their NFT during or after the event, needed assistance from support in order to claim their NFT.

With retroactive distributions now enabled, as long as a ticket is checked in during event attendance, an attendee can enter their wallet address into their profile before, during or after the event & receive automatic distribution of their NFT, a big milestone!

NFT Claiming: Wallet Address Field In Ticket Purchase Flow

Along with covering retroactive claim accessibility, we simultaneously wanted to improve the claiming flow upon ticket purchase through a new wallet address field that can be filled along with other customer profile details.

Event Organisers can set this new wallet address field to Optional / Mandatory / Hidden, resulting in a much more accessible wallet address flow that doesn’t require the ticketing app to be downloaded before hand & can be tailored to suit the preferences of the event organiser.

For example with Web3 events, the wallet address field could be set to Mandatory to ensure the NFT becomes a core part of the experience whilst larger mainstream events may opt for it as an optionality to slowly tailor and build up a Web3 community whilst still exploring the collectible & revenue possibilities from post-event NFTs.

The Wallet Address Field Within Ticket Purchase Flow:

NFT Showcasing: Rainbow NFT Support

As many may have already seen, user friendly mobile wallet Rainbow now supports GET Protocol NFT Tickets directly in-app.

Along with collectible showcasing, this new avenue also makes it far more user friendly to navigate to OpenSea to view & trade a collectible, having a direct ‘View on OpenSea’ button.

Explorer Updates

Video NFTs are now also viewable within the NFT Ticket Explorer! Each NFT will display a small play button that when interacted with will load & play video & sound content. This gives EOs further flexibility on the ways in which they point attendees to view their collectibles post-event without jeopardising the full experience.

That’s it for this month! Quite a lot to unpack here — so we can imagine you will want to re-read or discuss, which can of course be done with likeminded individuals in the GET Discord!

Of course we’ll be back before you know it, with more details, exciting developments and who knows, maybe another integrator!

