GET to know us #10: Amin

To give you a little insight into the GET Protocol team, we are introducing ourselves in a series of blogs. Read about what we do, both at work and in our personal lives, and why we believe the GET Protocol is going to take over the world. Here’s number 10, community manager Amin a.k.a. Dr10!

Olivier Biggs
Blog  - GUTS Tickets
3 min readJun 29, 2018


What’s your name and job title?
My name is Amin, I am 32 and one of the two community managers (the other one is the guy who writes most of the Blogs. Not Kasper -> Olivier!)

How long have you been at the GET Protocol foundation?
I’ve known about GET since 11/2017, but joined the team around mid march 2018.

What do you do exactly?
I am working to get GET on exchanges, find interesting partnerships, managing the community with special focus on Reddit and Twitter, as well as working on social media material, especially videos and campaign strategies. Most of these things happen in the background and are also under NDA, but you’ll see me in the Telegram Chat once in a while as well.

How do you describe what you do here to your friends or family?
“I travel each Monday to Amsterdam and do some stuff for a ticketing company that utilizes Blockchain… The same thing that Bitcoin is made of.”

What do you do when you are not at the office?
I moved to the Netherlands in January of 2018 and I’m currently finishing my homestudio for video and audio recordings. Besides that I’m doing crypto and reading about it nearly all day. It has become quite an obsession!

What do you think Kasper’s secret for his productivity is?
When I found out that Kasper is an A.I. application and not a human being, many things became clear to me. There is no way anyone can know and do so many things at once!

Where do you see GET in three years?
I personally think GET is already on its way to become the market leader in crypto-ticketing. But beyond that I think in 2–3 years GET will be known and used by many ticketing companies as a working solution to prevent ticket touting and fraud. I think this will happen on a global scale and possibly even beyond concert/theatre ticketing. I mean, tickets are used everywhere for nearly everything and our smart tickets are not only about preventing fraud and touting. They are ‘smart’ and offer features that never existed before and therefore can disrupt many industries…

Any personal message to the community?
Keep being positive and active. The ticketing revolution begins here @ GET Protocol and you belong to the pioneers who can spread the word and help in having a big impact in the real world.

More about the GET Protocol

You can acquire your GET here.

Any questions or want to know more about what we do?
Join our active Telegram community for any questions you might have,
read our whitepaper, visit the website, or get yourself a smart event ticket in our sandbox environment.

