GET to know us #13: Denise

To give you a little insight into the GET Protocol team, we are introducing ourselves in a series of blogs. Read about what we do, both at work and in our personal lives, and why we believe the GET Protocol is going to take over the world. Here’s number 13: Denise!

Olivier Biggs
Blog  - GUTS Tickets
3 min readAug 2, 2018


What’s your name and job title?
Denise, I’m 26 years old and I’m a Service Officer & Support Manager.

How long have you been at the GET Protocol foundation?
Since November of 2017, so it’s been about 9 months now. I plan on staying for a long time!

What do you do exactly?
The short answer: I handle a lot of different tasks that have to do with service and support.

The long answer: The amount of tickets being sold by GUTS Tickets, the first user of GET Protocol, is growing rapidly. I make sure that GUTS Tickets can sell as many tickets as possible. This means speaking to (potential) clients, efficiently preparing sales, guiding the ticket scanning process and answering support questions. There’s a big chance that I’ll be the one answering your question if you ever pose a question about a sale or your purchased ticket. Oh, I forgot one important thing: I make sure there is always enough lunch at the office. Crucial for the productivity around here!

How do you describe what you do here to your friends or family?
I tell them we are ending ticket fraud and scalping. My biggest contribution to that goal is gathering the right information needed from customers/venues/artists in order to sell the tickets for Jochem Myjer, Youp van ‘t Hek, Guus Meeuwis and many other great artists!

What do you do when you are not at the office?
I’m usually at home with my three guys (2 cats and my boyfriend). Enjoying a movie or a book on the couch. Besides that I enjoy walks and a game of squash. I also do some household chores, but I enjoy that significantly less.

What do you think Kasper’s secret for his productivity is?
To be honest I don’t directly ‘deal’ with Kasper every day, so it’s hard to put an estimate on his productivity. I can tell you that he drinks a lot (like a lot) of water, so he’s well hydrated, which should help out with his productivity, I guess. Also, he’s a computer.

Where do you see GET protocol in three years?
Right now GET and GUTS are growing side by side. Within three years I expect GET to be embraced by many other ticketing systems. Steadily building a future without scalping and ticket fraud!

Any personal message to the community?
Thank you for your continued support! Stay tuned for all the exciting things coming up, and I hope to see you at one of our many events soon!

More about the GET Protocol

You can acquire your GET here.

Any questions or want to know more about what we do?
Join our active Telegram community for any questions you might have,
read our whitepaper, visit the website, or get yourself a smart event ticket in our sandbox environment.

