GET to know us #3: Natalia

To give you a little insight into the GET Protocol team, we are introducing ourselves in a series of blogs. Read about what we do, both at work and in our personal lives, and why we believe the GET Protocol is going to take over the world. Here’s number 3: Natalia!

Olivier Biggs
Blog  - GUTS Tickets
2 min readApr 13, 2018


What’s your name, age and job title?
I am Natalia Bernarte, 24 years old and I’m a front-end developer.

How long have you been at the GET Protocol foundation?
Since February 2018. One of our colleagues contacted me right at the moment I logged into LinkedIn to start looking for a job. It took one interview for me to think “Wow, these guys are really doing something cool and I shouldn’t miss it”.

What do you do exactly?
I balance the testosterone levels at the office… Also as a front-end developer I code the “visual” part of our apps. I turn designs into actual working platforms, make sure our users (you, lovely creatures) have a magnificent experience and don’t end up clicking on a broken ugly button for hours.

How do you describe what you do here to your friends or family?
We’re combating ticket fraud by creating an honest ticketing system that allows you to buy/resell tickets in an easy and fair way.

What do you do when you are not at the office?
I like hanging out with my friends and girlfriend, having some drinks discussing important topics like “how did T-rexes scratch their backs”. I also enjoy staying indoors (like a good developer) playing with my hyperactive cat, assembling massive origami unicorn heads and watching Monty Python.

What do you think Kasper’s secret for his productivity is?
A gypsy once put a curse on him at a farmers market and if he doesn’t write 1000 words every 27 minutes he dies.

Where do you see GET in three years?
Growing bigger and bigger. I really believe in our mission and I’m convinced in a few years we’ll be able to see it used by many ticket-related organisations, even on an international level.

Any personal message to the community?
“We’re all in this together
And it shows, when we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true”
- Troy Bolton, High School Musical 2006.

More about the GET Protocol

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