GET to know us #5: Ivo

To give you a little insight into the GET Protocol team, we are introducing ourselves in a series of blogs. Read about what we do, both at work and in our personal lives, and why we believe the GET Protocol is going to take over the world. Here’s number 5, our CTO, Ivo!

Olivier Biggs
Blog  - GUTS Tickets
2 min readApr 26, 2018


What’s your name, age and job title?
Ivo van der Wijk, 44, CTO.

How long have you been at the GET Protocol foundation?
I joined Tom and Maarten in april of 2016, when I realized they were on to something. Back then being CTO simply meant doing everything related to coding: front-end, back-end, devops, R&D.

What do you do exactly?
I design and research the overall architecture of the system (mostly the back-end stuff), try to solve complex problems, make sure everything somewhat works when releasing it and sometimes I actually write some code. Also, I’m in charge of ordering BBQ’s.

How do you describe what you do here to your friends or family?
I make sure stuff works.

What do you do when you are not at the office?
My colleagues got me hooked on Zelda on the Nintendo Switch. I like to do a bit of software/hardware hacking, running and enjoying time with my wife and daughter.

What do you think Kasper’s secret for his productivity is?
The Kaspers are a result of a cloning experiment. There are about 8 of them, they escaped and went underground which explains their interest in crypto. They carefully plan to schedule their appearance in such a way that they appear to be just one person(e.g. by always wearing the same NASA sweater) but once they messed up and I saw four of them at the same time. I did have some glasses of wine though so it might just have been just two of them.

Where do you see GET in three years?
I see GET powering lots of large shows for big artists, finally solving the ticket touting/fraud problem.

Any personal message to the community?
Relax. It takes time to disrupt a market as huge and traditional as ticketing.

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