Doomsday Dashboard. Ode to Vice. Narrative Economics. The Art of the Good Life. The Wisdom of Being Affable.

Guy Spier
Guy Spier
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2018


With Whom would I Invest Part 2

Some time ago, I wrote up the principles that I would use in deciding who I would use to manage my money for me.

I have now finished the follow up in which I go through a short-list of the actual managers would want to invest with. If you would like to receive a copy, you can register your interest here


VALUEx 2018: Many to Many instead of One to

Some of the participants in VALUEx 2018 gave us permission to share their presentations with a broader audience. You can access them here.

Aquamarine Communication Update

If you want to receive communications related to the Aquamarine Fund, you should update your preferences here.

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Swiss Version of Charles Schwab

When it comes to custody and brokerage fees, we have been able to get a very low cost custody deal for our investors through our relationship with Charles Schwab.

Now we are looking for Swiss institution that can provide a similar offering. If you know of someone, please let us know

Zero Management Fee Update


John Livesay on why sales is just like

I have often used this analogy with interns and others. I was delighted to see John Livesay use it.

Matthew Peterson recently sent me the transcript of his Annual General Meeting. It’s a very worthwhile read.


Robert Schiller on Narrative Economics. Ideas as


Doomsday Dashboard

Financial market risk premiums are an all time low. But global risks, at least according to this group of scientists, are as high as ever.


I am part of the team that is hosting TEDxZuriberg. The event is by invitation only, but if you think you can make an extraordinary contribution, please register your interest here

With Daniel Dennett at the WEF


Daniel Dennett. The Wisdom of being

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Art of the Good Life — Rolf

How to Get Rich and Ode to Vice

Felix Dennis did to just make millions from a standing start. He wrote an very real book on how to do it, and then gave up much of his life to write some really good poetry. More here:


Wishing you the very best for 2018 (even if it’s a little late.)

