Eyes Wide Open

Guy Spier
Guy Spier
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2017


Overcoming Obstacles and Recognizing Opportunities in a World That Can’t See Clearly

Isaac Lidsky was born with perfect vision. But at age 13, his eyesight started to deteriorate, and by age 25 he had gone completely blind.

Consider for a moment what are your greatest fears: For me, other than fear of heights and death by fire or drowning, impending blindness is way up there. It’s a biggie.

But rather than let this scare him into submission, Isaac got the courage to conquer it and through that ordeal, received a great gift.

For even though Isaac is physically blind, he is blessed with great vision: In spite of his blindness, Isaac went on to have a family and four children, to have a successful career in law and to go on to become the CEO and owner of an Orlando based construction company. In short, Lidsky is living a life that is likely happier and more fulfilled than most of the people we know.

Isaac has now written a book about how he did this.

In it, he gives us the tools and techniques that enabled him to overcome his handicap and to live an extraordinary life.

Because of Isaac’s generosity, the rest of us don’t have to go physically blind to recover our vision. We just have to read Isaac’s excellent book.

