Three that Make A Point: Liminal Space at CCCADI

Grace Aneiza Ali
Guyana Modern
Published in
1 min readJan 25, 2018
ARLINGTON WEITHERS, “White Crossing,” 2017.

By Piri Halasz | From the Mayor’s Doorstep

“Liminal Space”

This group show features sixteen artists, most of whom might best be described as “postmodernist,” but the atmosphere here is a lot friendlier and warmer than it is at “Deadeye Dick.” That may be because it is an ode to creativity as it exists among both very senior and very junior artists in the larger Guyanese community, at home and abroad.

“CCCADI” stands for Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute, and “Liminal Space” has as its official theme the sweeping narrative of migration.

The real point of this show, it seems to me, is maybe more profound than its official topic of migration. I think it makes the point that wherever and whenever Guyanese artists have made art in this hemisphere, they are right in tune with popular & widespread international trends.


