An invitation: What the Triumph means to you

Chris Ashley
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2020
Photo by: Brittany Hildreth

I have a secret.

My name is Chris Ashley and I write and podcast about soccer. My primary focus is soccer in Greenville, SC, although I have been known to write about other things at Soccer ’N’ Sweet Tea and the Mint City Chronicle at times.

But, I have a secret.

During the 2019 inaugural season for the Greenville Triumph Soccer Club, I split my time between two places: in my reserved seat on the front row at midfield (perfect positioning to yell at the opposing coach, opposing players, and 4th official) and on the field (behind one of the goals).

Yep. There’s a secret in there somewhere.

The real question is why was someone who simply writes and talks about soccer spending a large chunk of time on the sidelines/endlines? Well, I had a bit of an ambitious idea before the season began.

Is this the secret? — Yeah.

I wondered what it might be like to film some things. I wanted to capture the excitement and experience of year one. The play on the pitch. The experience in the stands. The beautiful game.

The few I told about this project early on heard my honest assessment that, “This probably won’t last but like three weeks.” And yet, in October, I found myself sitting on a flight to Dallas to be a part of the first ever USL League One Championship.

So here I am now, on the precipice of the new season (whenever it may start), and I am working on piecing together that story. But I’m missing something…

I’m missing YOU!

I want the voice of other fans. I want to know what this team means to you. What that first season meant to you.

So… I need your help.

If you’re willing to be a part of this crazy thing, I’d love you to pull out your phone, flip that camera to selfie mode, and record your thoughts. (Landscape mode please!)

Then, if you’re willing, upload those videos HERE so that I can easily access them.

I’m going to set a deadline of March 27th to get those in so that I can be busy at work putting this thing together.

Can’t wait to hear from YOU!



Chris Ashley

Pastor. Podcaster. Blogger. YouTuber. Disney Dad.