4 Ways in Which Australia Is Fighting Against Global Warming and Protecting Climate

Eric Harris
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2021

The whole world is suffering from global warming effects and climate changes. If the right steps are not taken now, days are not longer when people will be suffering from the adverse impacts of climate change. In this article, you will know how Australia is fighting against global warming and protecting the climate.

The whole world has come up together to make a global effort to prevent the harmful effects of global warming, which otherwise will result in a severe drought, extreme heat, poverty, and flood. As per the United Nations, the world has 12 years more to combat climate change impacts. As one of the world’s wealthiest countries, Australia is also not lagging to take steps in protecting it from the harmful effects of global warming. The Government and ordinary people are thinking about how to stop global warming in Australia.

Here are some of the four ways in which Australia can reduce or prevent climate changes, so further proceed and check them out:

Introduction Of The Carbon Tax

About 70% of the carbon emissions after 1980 are due to the fossil fuel burning made by several companies. In the current days, there is no such financial cost to produce carbon emissions. This is why the Government of Australia, with the other major economies worldwide, needs to introduce the Carbon Tax. This tax will provide the companies with a yearly incentive to switch towards using renewable energy sources. Though Australia had already introduced the carbon tax in 2011, it was affected by the incoming Abbott Government in 2014 as Guardian.

Does Not Depend Upon Coal Anymore

Yes, coal burning is one of the significant sources of fossil fuel burning. Australia is one of the most coal-dependent nations in the world. As per the experts, coal is not just affecting the nation’s climatic conditions. However, it is also damaging human health and the surrounding environment. Like the United Kingdom and Germany, Australia’s allied countries have already taken steps to end up a dependence on coal to a greater extent. Australia should also reduce its reliance on coal to prevent climate change and global warming. If the steps are not taken too early, the days are not too far when the country has to face severe climatic changes.

Pause Deforestation

Deforestation is another reason for climate change. As more and more trees are being cut down, carbon dioxide is accumulating more in the atmosphere. Trees not only preserve the environment but also replenish the air. Forests play an essential role in fighting against climate change. They also serve as the carbon sink by keeping carbon at the level and preventing global warming.

Reduce Food Waste

As per current data, Australians throw away $8 billion of food annually. This is equal to 20% of the supermarket’s food being purchased each year by the Aussies. Several climate change issues are related to the production and waste of food. However, in recent days, the Australian Government is bringing up several strategies so that the familiar people cannot waste food. In 2018, Australia became the first country to announce a commitment to reduce food waste within 2030.

These are the four ways Australia and the whole world can reduce global warming and climate change. If the right steps are not taken now, severe effects are waiting for the entire humankind.



Eric Harris
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