Gaining an Insight into Greenhouse Gas Effect in Australia and the Devastation it Brings

Eric Harris
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2020

Climate change is a real threat, and not something scientists are speculating about, and people can keep on ignoring anymore. With the turn of a new century, the various detrimental effects of pollution and mindless steps taken by human beings for development have become evident. Amongst these effects, the greenhouse gas effect in Australia is one which has gained prominence. Both the cause and effect of greenhouse gas emissions cannot be ignored anymore.

Gaining an Understanding of the Topic

Before delving into the subject, it is crucial to understand greenhouse gases and their effect. People used to think that greenhouse gases are those particular gases emitted by the structures known as greenhouses. If you also feel the same, then it is time to rectify the mistake, because the name has more to do with what they do, rather than how they originated. For instance, greenhouse gases are usually CO2 or carbon dioxide and methane.

Relation and Relevance to a Greenhouse

Various sources are emitting these gases, and though a large amount gets recycled through trees and other natural ways, due to the alarming growth in pollution, that option isn’t enough anymore. Hence, there is an excess in the amount of these gases which remain in the atmosphere. These gases result in a phenomenon which is similar to how greenhouses work and are maintained. Conservatories are created to provide a controlled environment for plants to grow. This method is usually applied in growing tropical plants in much colder weather.

How a Greenhouse Works Usually?

It is crucial to provide warmer weather to these plants and all that glass in a greenhouse allows the heat from the rays of the sun to enter easily but not escape. This way; the temperature within the structure can grow and is maintained easily, without employing any particular technique or machines. Now the same thing happens to the planet due to the thick layer of CO2 in the atmosphere. The problem is, the effect which helps trees and plants and shrubs to grow, the same effect is increasing the temperature of the planet.

The Devastating Effects are Becoming Clearer

For someone without the knowledge and understanding of the subject, it may not seem crucial enough, but to someone with even a passing idea, the devastating effects are not hidden. The most significant problem of the greenhouse gas effect is the melting ice all over the world, which is increasing the sea-level. If remained unchecked, growing sea-level is threatening to drown a large section of the land. There are additional issues like unpredicted climate, more frequent devastating natural disasters and such.

The Picture of the Future is Quite Bleak

If the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere cannot be reduced and controlled immediately, a dire future awaits the people of the planet. Already various countries and areas are facing issues like persisting drought, insufficient rainfall, frequent bushfires and many more. In short, human life as it is known is getting disrupted and sustaining more damage than ever before. It is time to take substantial steps to fight the issue.



Eric Harris
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