The Battle Against Climate Change: Causes and Solutions

Eric Harris
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2020

Climate change and global warming are the current phenomena in the whole world. Human beings are at the biggest threat right now. Taking proper steps against global warming has become absolutely necessary. This article discusses the solutions and factors that are causing climate change.

Climate change is more evident today than ever before. There is no doubt that the changes in climate in recent years had a devastating impact on the lives of many people and places around the world. It has become important that people have a fair understanding of what climate change is and how it matters.

global warming solutions Australia

So before we jump into global warming solutions in Australia, let us know what causes climate change and its effects.

Understanding Climate Change

Global warming and climate change are often heard these days. Both terms describe how there is a change in the climate of the earth. Global warming mainly focuses on the increasing temperature of the earth, whereas climate change refers to the change in natural activities like temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns over a significant amount of time.

Climate change is the result of the changing pattern of the earth’s temperature, and its duration is remarkable.

Causes of Climate change

Below are some of the few ways that humans are causing climate change:

Greenhouse Gas

Greenhouse gases come at play when it comes to contributing to global warming. Methane, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and chlorofluorocarbons are some greenhouse gases that absorb the heat coming from the sunlight to make the planet warm enough for living beings.

However, human-made activities are accelerating the level of these gases. That has led the planet’s temperature to rise over the course of time.


The impact of agricultural activities on the climate is huge. Activities like deforestation and agriculture efforts are the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions.

Human Activities

As per the records of the Environmental Protection Agency, burning fossil fuels for electricity production has played a significant role in global warming. Besides, in the name of transportation, vehicles like trucks, trains, cars that emit a considerable amount of carbon dioxide into the air.


Livestock also plays an important role in changing the climate. Cattles, poultry, sheep, and pig farming have a major impact on the climate, leading it to the irreversible change gradually.

Climate Change Solutions

It is never too late to start something afresh. If we do not become aware now, it could hit us harder later. Taking immediate action to prevent global warming and climate change is the only answer. Here we discuss some ways to fight climate change:

  • Make your house energy efficient
  • Purchase carbon offsets
  • Reduce wasting food
  • Recycle as much as possible
  • Plant trees
  • Stop using fossil fuel
  • Follow the plant-based diet



Eric Harris
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