GXChain 2.0 is Ready for Supporting Ethereum Parachain Dapp?

REI Network
REI Network Project
2 min readSep 30, 2021

Progress Report Spet.22-Spet.28

A. Product development progress


  • Consensus module transformation (Tendermint) @20%

-Wallet 2.0

  • Web3 Plugin development, support Ethereum Parachain Dapp @80%
  • 2.0 block explorer
  • Staking page development @60%

B. Operational Progress

  • CV advanced live broadcast teaching was conducted last week. During the live broadcast, we introduced in detail the operation of the NFT suit and the later development of the meta-universe section, so that everyone is more familiar with the gameplay and operations in the CV world, and we sent out GXChain’s weekly report The big gift package and event rewards will be given out after the collection is completed this week.
  • Dani Bian, Director of Operations of GXChain, will conduct a community AMA in the GXChain international community in the near future to answer questions about GXChain2.0. The rewards for the event are generous, welcome to follow

C. Brand work Progress

  • G.Bruce as the mascot of GXChain appeared in the “2021 China Blockchain Industry Scenario Live Show” jointly organized by Chain Wen and Winkrypto, and displayed 20 different Xin Xiaobao co-branded NFT designs in the panorama of the live show. Starting from September 25th, 4 letter Xiaobao co-branded NFTs will be given out every day in the live show. Until the end of the event, all 20 letter Xiaobao co-branded NFTs will be given out.

D.GXChain Ecology

  • On September 28th, the “National Node” event with annualized revenue of gxc-genesis nodes exceeding 20% ​​was fully launched. From September 28th to October 28th, voting users can get 100% of the node’s full revenue at 0 cost. During the event, vote “1000 votes, and weight “2, you can get an extra 500gxc airdrop reward!
  • On September 25, the FLY node conducted a GXC airdrop to its private customized version of the NFT. The stable currency yield was 13%, and the GXC currency standard yield was 42% (calculated based on the initial coin standard)
  • The operation of the GXC-FLY node is normal, and it is expected to sponsor the GXC event in the official telegram group. For details, please consult the official secretary or volunteer friends, and join the official Chinese telegram group as soon as possible.



REI Network
REI Network Project

REI Network is a lightweight, EVM-compatible, high-performance, and gas-free public chain.