Recap|REI Network AMA with SuperNodes

REI Network
REI Network Project
11 min readJul 27, 2022

On July 5, 4everland, DeFinder, REI Fans were invited to the AMA about Web3 in the REI Network international community. They explained how they will build web3 with REI Network.

So many interesting questions from the community about Web3’s vision and the future of REI Network. Thank you so much for supporting our AMA. Now let us enjoy the recap!

Q: Firstly, can you introduce yourself and your project?


Hello everyone, I’m Sky, the Global Operations Manager at 4EVERLAND.

I’m so happy and honored to join today’s AMA, and I hope all of you have a good time here.

In a few words, 4EVERLAND is a Web 3.0 cloud computing platform that integrates storage, computing, and network core capabilities. It aims to help the user to make a smooth leap from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 and become the infrastructure for millions of Web 3.0 developers and applications.

Visit our website for more information:


Hi, I am Dora. Happy here to share something about DeFinder Super Note. Hope you can vote for us. Welcome any questions.DeFinder is a blockchain data analysis platform that helps investors make effective investment decisions.

DeFinder digs and tracks Smart Money for users through atomic-level analysis of on-chain data, allowing users to obtain dynamic on-chain data for the first time, thereby discovering new investment opportunities.web:

REI Fans:

Hello everyone, I am Jessie, one of the sponsors of REI Network Chinese community REI Fans. The founding team of REI Fans is a group of holders of REI Tokens, and also the builders of Web3.

Q: Thank you for your introduction. Why do you choose to participate in the REI Network super node election? In your view, what benefits will the node election bring to you?


First of all REI was upgraded from GXChain, as the head public chain in the blockchain industry, it has an extremely strong position in the blockchain as well as Web3 field, which is well worth learning from 4EVERLAND. Secondly, REI, as an efficient public chain compatible with EVM, offers an innovative free-economy model that is extremely user-friendly. It is also bound to have a special place in future development.

We hope that by participating in the Super Node competition, we can contribute to the REI ecosystem, and we also hope to work together with the REI ecosystem to promote the development of Web3.

We think ‘the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. 4EVERLAND, as the infrastructure of Web3, is committed to lowering the entry threshold for developers, while REI, as an efficient and secure public chain, provides core underlying capabilities for Web3. The collaboration between the two parties will advance the common prosperity of both ecologies and bring better momentum to Web3.

REI is an excellent complement to 4EVERLAND’s underlying capabilities, providing a better experience for 4EVERLAND’s users by virtue of its efficiency and low cost.

4EVERLAND brings a full range of capabilities to the REI ecosystem and lowers the threshold for developers. 4EVERLAND provides REI developers with better access to storage capabilities such as IPFS and Arweave, as well as globally accelerated gateway services.

DeFinder :

We have been following REI Network for a long time. REI Network is an EVM-compatible public blockchain. As an Ethereum para chain, it owns the features of lightweight, free and dev-friendly. We believe that REI Network will become a well-known public chain with a prosperous ecosystem. That’s why we partnered with REI Network and participated in the super node election.

DeFinder is a professional data analysis tool. We now have professionals and high-tech backbones from world-famous enterprises such as Microsoft, Google, Huawei, Tencent, etc. DeFinder has its own safe, stable clusters, supporting customized high-performance computing cluster programs, which is in a leading position in the industry. We will provide not only a stable and secure operating environment for REI Network, but also help REI Network analyze the detailed on-chain data to provide real-time and reliable data for REI Network’s ecological development.

REI Fans:

As the Chinese community of REI Network, it is natural for REI Network Fans to participate in the super node campaign of REI Network, because we hope to support the development of REI Network. Our nodes are already online, and we promise that all the revenue of voters will be attributed to voters.

Q: Can you introduce the features of your node? Or what is your secret to attracting community votes? How do you build the Super Node community with REI Network?


What sets 4EVERLAND apart from most other nodes is that, like REI, we are a type of infrastructure for Web3. We hope that we can help make REI available to more developers and make REI stand out.

The main users of 4EVERLAND are developers and ordinary users who have certain demands on storage and network, and they naturally need to use various public chains for a series of services such as payment and login. By integrating REI, 4EVERLAND can offer a low threshold, low cost and efficient service to more developers. Those developers can know and better use REI’s core capabilities through 4EVERLAND, meanwhile, users of the REI ecosystem can use capabilities like IPFS and Arweave storage at a much lower threshold.

By working together, more developers and users can focus on REI and the 4EVERLAND ecosystem, creating a stronger community.


DeFinder maybe the only one of data analysis platform in this super node running. But the fact is we can better help REI Network build its ecological environment. Our product is the best feature of DeFinder, and users who vote for us will get a free DeFinder coupon code and a chance to win a free annual VIP member.

Be DeFinder VIP PRO will help a lot for your investment. It has features of Token Analysis, Discover Tokens, NFT Analysis, Discover NFTs, Smart Money, Alert Center, Following Address, Address Analysis.


This is our Discord. If you have any questions, you can ask us there. And we always hold raffles there.

DeFinder will not only make your investment easier but also increase the efficiency of your making money. Hope you can vote for us.

REI Fans:

Our node will focus on the Chinese community. Firstly, we should focus on attracting voters from the Chinese community, Secondly, we promise to set the Commission rate to 100% to maximize the revenue of voting users. Finally, we will have more content and activities related to REI Network to attract more new voters for us.

Q: As the super node, which support do you hope to get from the official?


1. Technology: 4EVERLAND will continue to integrate REI’s full ecological capabilities in the future, so we need better technical support from REI officials.

2. Community: 4EVERLAND and REI are a process of mutual empowerment, we hope to have closer community cooperation and community contact to better promote community development.

3. Publicity: Although 4EVERLAND is a 16 months project, it is a brand new existence in terms of REI ecology, we hope that we can help to have more publicity in REI ecology and let more users know about 4EVERLAND.


This is our first time to participate in a node campaign, and we hope that REI Network can make some advices and help us, sharing some of the good ideas of how to win, providing us with more publicity exposure channels, and help us to canvass for publicity.

REI Fans:

We hope they can organize more campaigns with us to attract more Chinese fans.

Q: The projects of the three guests are all based on Web3. Could you share your views on Web3? It can include the trend of Web3, innovation of Web3 governance mechanism, the value of Web3, and so on.


With the current iterative innovation of various information technologies, the Internet is evolving towards the next generation Internet, and the era of Web3.0 is quickly approaching. The Internet requires Web3.0. As a new generation of Internet paradigm, Web3.0 advocates free identity, free contract, and free assets, and blockchain technology provides a near-perfect solution for Web3.0 through decentralized address accounts, smart contracts for free deployment and access, and Token for autonomous and frictionless flow.

There is, however, one critical component missing from the current Web 3.0 paradigm for blockchain. “I trust my Ethereum addresses, assets, and smart contracts, but what if the DAPP interface I’m using disappears or is blocked one day?” When I shut down the single-node storage server that holds my valuable collection of NFT digital artifacts, what will happen to them?” “The DEFI project I’m working on is very fast in Europe, but very slow in Asia; how does this affect the user experience? . In contrast, centralized, licensing-based, single-node data services are unlikely to meet the security and freedom of service needs of Web 3.0 users.

4EVERLAND is here to solve this problem by offering a distributed, highly efficient, self-motivated, low-cost data hosting network based on IPFS, Ethereum, and REI. 4EVERLAND develops a protocol that will be the access layer protocol for the Web3.0 world, enabling Web3.0 developers to escape centralization, improve service robustness and security, and provide users with globally accelerated, link-perpetual network services.


We believe Web3 will bring everyone a better potential Internet. It is easier for new start-ups to build their characteristic communities and brand new products. Even established tanditional companies can be powered by Web3. Use new blockchain technologies to integrate with their products to build web3 ecology together. All of these mean that the next Internet looks different and more open than the one we live in today.

REI Fans:

Web3.0 is decentralizing valuable data or assets. First of all, you need to have a concept that decentralization itself is inefficient. It is equivalent to putting your information on the blockchain and synchronizing it to all nodes’ servers, which will cost more than centralized storage.

I think Web3 will address or improve trust/security issues in finance, social, gaming, entertainment, creative, etc. Take Web3 Social as an example, one of the biggest problems with Web2 social is that the content and relationships posted on the social platform do not belong to you, they are lost when the platform disappears, and the platform has the ultimate authority to deal with these content: banning accounts, deleting posts, restricting access, etc.

Returning social connections and generating content for users is what Web3 Social is all about. There are already many Web3 social products/protocols that can store users’ social connections and content on a chain or other decentralized storage, which means users can share this data across different platforms. For example, you can check your WeChat friends and Steam friends in World of Warcraft, and see your updates or pictures from Twitter and Instagram on Weibo.

Q: We all know that REI Network is a public chain developed for Web3 and it is developing rapidly. Could you share your opinion on the value of the public chain for Web3? What is your most intuitive feeling about the upgrade of REI Network?


With its features of scalability, security, decentralization, and censorship resistance, public chain solves the problems of unified identity authentication, data validation, and authorization, privacy protection, and censorship resistance, as well as decentralized operation needed for Web3 development.Therefore, public chain is one of the most important Web3’s infrastructures, and a necessary condition for all kinds of Web3 construction.

We believe that rather than being controlled by a few public chains, the future Web3 must be a multi-chain development era. REI Network has upgraded its main network to be compatible with Ether EVM and built a scalable, lightweight, and secure blockchain platform that will complement the entire public chain ecosystem and will undoubtedly have a place in the future Web3 world.

By integrating all kinds of public chains, 4EVERLAND will lower the threshold for developers to enter all kinds of public chains, improve the ecological capabilities of all public chains, and work together with all kinds of public chains, including REI, to promote Web3 development.


Blockchain is the core technology to realize the decentralization of Web3, and its most important product is the infrastructure of public chain. After the upgrade of REI Network, it is more friendly for developers, which can realize the free and low-cost development and fast migration of applications. Also,it’s more convenient and fast for users.

REI Fans:

The key to the development of Web3 is how to reach a wider range of people, The low gas fee and free stake of REI Network can help more people to experience Web3 simply.

Q: The next two questions are for 4EVERLAND and DeFinder. Recently, the current trading market is still in bear, but the Web3 field is still changing quickly every day, can you talk about how to build Web3 from your own project track?


4EVERLAND, as a cloud computing platform for Web3, we positioned it as the infrastructure for Web3. We have been committed to helping Web2 users migrate smoothly to Web3 and providing better infrastructure services for more developers.

We provide decentralized front-end hosting, decentralized storage, global acceleration gateway, multi-chain deployment, data analysis and other kinds of services by integrating storage, network and computing core capabilities to help developers build better DAPPs at lower cost and higher efficiency. This will enable more users from all industries to participate in the Web3 field and ultimately contribute to the prosperity of Web3.0.


You may have noticed how on the blockchain the characteristics and full picture of each address are hidden in each on-chain interactions.

Anyone can piece together a portrait of an address without permission

It is important to deeply mine/clean/analyze/process these on-chain data to find tagged users and Smart Money to capture more trading opportunities, or to further form on-chain identities and on-chain social networks, which can generate over $100 billion in value.

For a user with analytical capabilities, facing such an open and permissionless data gold mine is equivalent to putting an unlicensed ATM in front of him.

What DeFinder does is help users directly extract the value of data on the chain from such an ATM, or act as a shovel to a data gold mine.

Deep Token Analysis

Comprehensive and effective address profile

Explore Trading Opportunities

Track Smart Money

We will build an excellent data analysis platform from these 4 aspects to help you deal with the data on web3 and assist you in making investment decisions.

Q: We all know that 4EVERLAND and DeFinder not only are super nodes but also are ecosystem partners and strategic partners of REI Network. Can you tell us how your projects will support the development of the REI Network?


We have briefly mentioned this piece of content earlier. 4EVERLAND is mainly divided into the following parts:

Enriching REI capabilities, 4EVERLAND will continuously integrate the capabilities of REI Network, integrating systems including login and payment, and combining with the storage network capabilities such as IPFS and Arweave to provide better storage and network capabilities for the REI ecology.

Lowering the threshold for developers to use REI, 4EVERLAND will integrate the underlying public chain computing capabilities of REI in the future, and lower the threshold for developers to use REI by developing upper layer developer tools and providing capabilities such as RPC, contract deployment tools, cross-chain communication, etc.

Ecological airdrop, 4EVERLAND will plan to launch a series of activities such as storage airdrop for REI ecology, bringing richer storage, network and other services to all REI users.

Promote community prosperity, through the close interaction between the two communities and series community activities, to bring more vitality to the REI community.


DeFinder is a data analysis platform, now supporting the search all the data of the ethereum. You can view the details of tokens, addresses, or NFTs in DeFinder and make the right investment decisions through DeFinder’s analysis.

The data of other public chains such as BSC is under development, and it expect to be online in Q3. In the future, DeFinder plans to design some unique dashboards for REI Network to help users better discover investment opportunities on the chain.

In addition, we will also provide as much as help for the ecological development of REI Network.



REI Network
REI Network Project

REI Network is a lightweight, EVM-compatible, high-performance, and gas-free public chain.