Core Resistance

Gym Plan
Gym Plan
Published in
1 min readAug 2, 2018

5 awesome resistance band exercises for your abs

Using resistance bands forces your body to keep stability throughout an entire movement. This engages multiple muscles at one time, so your body has to work a load harder. Not only that, but resistance bands are awesome for constant tension on the muscle, a smoother rep over free-weights and less injuries. Another beenfit of the bands, is just like with weights, you can get varying levels of resistance, allowing you to progress over time and make workouts harder. You won’t doubt resistance band training after trying these 5 ab exercises.

  1. Resistance Band Crunch
    Targets: Upper Abs
  2. Resistance Band Oblique Crunch
    Targets: Obliques
  3. Resistance Band Knee Raise
    Targets: Lower Abs
  4. Resistance Band Pallof Press
    Targets: Entire Core, build strength
  5. Resistance Band Spiderman
    Targets: Entire Core

Want to try these out?



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