Doing It Your Way

Gym Plan
Gym Plan
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2018

Can you build your legs with machines instead of squats?

When it comes to leg day, people either love it or hate it. The love or hate though often comes from A) the pain of it all and B) the dislike of squats when it’s programmed in. Some people are just not great squatters, don’t feel comfortable doing them, or lack imbalances and weaknesses in order to perform them well. This is where you’ll find most will avoid squats all together and choose the leg press machine instead. But can you build just as much muscle on the leg press compared to squats, and why do people prefer one to another?

As you can see from the poll we ran above, people are often split on their choice of weapons on a given leg day. The simple answer here doesn’t just relate to leg press, but any other exercise you can do…weight is weight! Your body doesn’t know if you’re squatting or leg pressing, it’s simply an applied force on the body, which under control and enough tension, can create a hypertrophic response (muscle building). It’s really what you do with the exercise that counts and how much damage you can cause in your muscle muscle fibers in order to grow. Here are some of the pro’s and con’s of the leg press:


  • You can isolate your quads a lot better on the leg press
  • You can use the seat to drive your body into, allowing you to press more weight
  • You can change your feet positioning on the board to target different areas of your legs


  • You won’t get as big a growth hormone spike as you would on squats as it requires less stabilising muscle groups in one movement. Squats are a compound movement that require much more full body stability
  • You won’t work your core as hard on a seated leg press as you would on squats
  • You’ll not get as full-body strong as you would with squats

So can you build muscle with the leg press if you aren’t into squatting?

Yes you can.

The fixed positioning of the leg press will help you inflict a lot of muscular damage to your lower body, especially when you learn to properly control the movement with weight and include various foot positioning to target different areas.

Want to try a 45 minute squat-free workout?

View the workout HERE.



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