Extreme product testing

Paul Slater
Gym Plan
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2018

EDIT: See the results in this article.

Version 5 of our beloved app went live at 12:14 am this morning (26th June 2018). I gave myself a second to enjoy the moment then headed to bed.

Apple are awesome at review times now.

Testing your product as a customer would is the most important thing any founder can do. I’m a huge advocate of;

Eat your own dog food.

I’m going to put our claims to the test and see what I achieve with Gym Plan.

Getting started

When I woke I fired up the app and started to build a new personalised plan. My goal is to drop some body fat and work on some lean muscle building. I want to see what can be achieved in only 4 weeks.

I weighed myself…ouch up from 88kg to 90.2kg!

I swear stress is the worst thing for weight gain. May was the heavy design phase of V5 and June was the build. I want to get to my preferred weight of 88kg but I’ll set a bigger goal of 86.5kg.

So the goal is a 3.7kg drop (just over 2lb/week) which is sensible.

Weight gain during a big product build ;)

My personalised plan settings.

Here’s what I went for:

The app nicely remembers what setting you last used.

Now that I’m over 40 and have had to accept that my body responds better to a day on, day off training. Everyone’s different and I know this schedule allows me to give each workout 100%. More importantly it gives my body enough time to recover between sessions and get the results.

I prefer longer workouts, 2–3 hours was the norm as a younger man but the goal was different then, more learning, practicing and drill style training than purely trying to drop fat and build some muscle. I chose 60 mins which is long enough to keep me happy.

Here’s the plan I was given.

Looks fun. I decided not to mess with it or even change the order of the workouts. Go all in. 20 workouts, 20 hours work, I can’t wait!

Super easy to get started

The new workout queue is such a cool concept. I love that it acts just like a music playlist. I don’t enjoy calendar management, so this suits me perfectly and is flexible when I need it to be.

Next up…What to eat.

The new nutrition feature automatically adjusts to my goals and the workouts inside my queue.

I want to drop fat so I chose the deficit which puts me at 2000 calories per day. The macro splits are there ready for MyFitnessPal tracking or even better get a tasty meal plan from our friends at MealPrepPro.

No thinking required nutrition. Nice!

Next steps.

I’ll work through this plan and stick to the 2k calories per day. I’ll weigh myself at the end of the 4 weeks and let’s see if I hit my goal.

First workout is tonight and it’s a chest and shoulders day called Pecz & Deltz… bring it on.

EDIT: See the results in this article.



Paul Slater
Gym Plan

Gym Plan Co-founder. 1–1 coaching, workouts & nutrition. Love #startups #cosmos #science #thegreatoutdoors www.gymplanapp.com