Food Is Bae!

Gym Plan
Gym Plan
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2018

Common nutrition questions answered.

What should I eat before workouts?

Here’s some good options for you to eat 2 hours before a workout:

  • Protein smoothie made with milk (preferably almond), protein powder, banana and mixed berries.
  • A cup of oatmeal topped with banana and sliced almonds.
  • Natural almond butter on whole-grain bread.
  • A banana and tablespoon of peanut/almond butter.

I train early in the morning, should I train fasted?

Some people see good results with fasted training, while others can find it draining and tiring…here’s some pro’s and con’s of training fasted in the a.m:

Uses Fat As An Energy Source.
Better Nutrient Absorption Post Workout.
Can Target ‘Stubborn Areas’.

Workout Quality Can Be Reduced.
Can Boost Cortisol (Stress Hormone).
Possibility Of Muscle Loss.

I’m starting to get hungrier, why is this and what can I snack on between meals?

If you’ve been sticking to your recommended calorie/macro intake, then chances are that your metabolism has boosted from your training, meaning your burning more calories daily…win win! There is also a chance that you may be under-eating in calories (which we covered in this blog), leaving you with more hunger pangs. In terms of snack between meals…here’s some good options:

  • An apple with a handful of almonds
  • Teaspoon of peanut butter on a rice or oat cake
  • Low fat greek yoghurt
  • Tuna on whole wheat crackers

I’m thinking of intermittent fasting, is it good?

For some, fasting means not eating for at least 24 hours, while others zone theirs in to a 12 hour window. Here’s some points to be aware of when thinking of fasting:

Fat Loss.
Lowers Insulin & Cholesterol.
Improve Your Metabolism.

Can Suppress Appetite (you need to be able to eat for good body composition).
Can Increase Stress (stress hormone cortisol can leave you craving high carb foods).
Can Trigger Insomnia.

If you’re thinking of trying intermittent fasting and haven’t done so before, instead of opting for a full blown 24 hour fast where you avoid food completely, instead try eating in a 10–12 hour window. This can help with a lot of the negative side effects of fasting. Start out trying it once, just to see how you respond before making a choice on whether you want to continue it or not.



Gym Plan
Gym Plan

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