Are You Crap At Squatting?

Dave Stidolph
Gym Plan
Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2017

The benefits of Goblet Squats.

Barbell squatting can be a very problematic area for a lot of people. Poor balance, issues with depth and mobility, bad posture and problems with improving overall strength in the squat. This leads to a lot of people choosing leg press, leg extension etc. over squats or worse…sticking to squats with poor form. My advice here would be to start doing goblet squats, with either a dumbbell or kettlebell. Here are some of the benefits of doing goblet squats…

Better Squat Mobility.

Sitting down in our day to day lives will have you running into lots of issues:

  • Inactive glutes
  • Poor hip mobility
  • Inability to brace the core and upper back muscles properly
  • Lack of thoracic mobility (extension)

The goblet squat will allow you to activate sleepy glutes, mobilise tight hips, and learn you to brace your core under load which has a huge cross over to other lifts. Goblet squats allow you to set a rigid spine and move from the hips, knees and ankles to perfect your downward movement. The goblet squat can also help you learn the proper balance and movement needed to perform a squat well.

Ideal For Those New To Squatting.
The ability to train and progress beginners with the goblet squat can be used to increase movement integrity, balance, and awareness to maintain an upright torso, no raised heels and allow you to use the legs and hips to perform the squat properly. When holding a barbell across your back becomes a balance & postural issue, the counterbalancing effect of front loading the dumbbell on a goblet squat will allow you to work a much easier squatting movement.

Better Postural Performance.
Front loaded squats are a great exercise for the quads, core and upper back. Since the load is shifted forward, the lifter must maintain a strong and stable back. This increased postural strength can then benefit many other lifts.

Quality High Volume Reps.
The front loading of the weight when goblet squatting reinforces good technique at high volume even when fatigued, something which cannot always be said for high rep barbell squatting with it placed on your back (enter bent over shitting dog gif).

If you’re looking to add muscle to your legs, blast out 3–4 sets of high rep goblet squats after your heavy work, you wont regret it! 🔥

Don’t avoid squats, work on them!

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