In Challenge Lies Change

Gym Plan
Gym Plan
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2018

Making working out enjoyable and interesting

Working out doesn’t have to be seen as a chore. Too many people forget to enjoy the journey they’re on and keep things interesting so that they stay on track and have something to aim towards. Training itself is a challenge as results won’t come easy, but another cool way you can mix things up and have something to aim towards, is by throwing in little challenges that benefit the rest of your training and overall goal.

3 Rules when it comes to challenges:

  1. Don’t sacrifice technique for intensity.
  2. Challenges should be re-testable to monitor progression.
  3. If you don’t have the physical base in place, don’t do the challenge.

Here’s a few challenges you can try in the gym to test yourself:

100sec Dead Hang

Challenge -Hang full armed with feet off the floor for 100 seconds.

  • Build Great Grip Strength
  • Build Your Forearms
  • Increase Shoulder Range of Motion
  • Strengthen Your Rotator Cuffs

Wall Sit To Failure

Challenge -Sit against wall with thighs parallel to the floor until failure.

  • Build Strength & Endurance In Legs
  • Works Glutes, Calves, Hamstrings, Quadriceps & Adductors
  • Easy On Your Knees

Max Bench Dips

Challenge -Do as many reps of bench dips as possible until failure.

  • Build Your Upper Body
  • Focus In On Your Triceps
  • Engage Your core
  • Use More Of Your Bodyweight Than Press Ups

100 kettlebell swings for time

Challenge -Do 100 swings without dropping the kettlebell as quickly as possible

  • Great Fat Burner
  • Build Your Glutes, Legs, Shoulders & Lower Back
  • Works Your Core Hard
  • Great Carry Over To Lots Of Other Exercises

2000m Row for time

Challenge -Burn through 2000m as quickly as you can

  • Great For Endurance
  • Great For Fat Loss
  • Low Impact Cardio
  • Works Your Full Body



Gym Plan
Gym Plan

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