Make Them Show!

Gym Plan
Gym Plan
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2018

3 exercises to build more visible abs.

Getting abs is a diet thing, everyone knows that. But to really make the abs pop and show better, you have to approach training them like any other muscle group and build them. Better built abs will look great, but what’s the best way to build them? Here’s 3 fantastic exercises to get you started.

  • Dumbbell/Plate Crunch
    This is a great exercise for helping you build your upper abs while also being able to increase the load over time. People don’t tend to do increase the weight load over time with ab training, but you should as the abs will respond just like other groups. Aim for reps in the 8-15 range and make sure to hold each contraction for a two-second count on each rep.
  • Otis Up
    Otis Up is a unique exercise that works the upper ab muscles again, but also includes a pressing action to target your shoulders. With the pressing part of the exercise, your core has to remain tight in order to stabilize the upper body and support the lower back. It is better to use a lighter weight with higher reps for this exercise to avoid any lower back issues. Aim for reps in the 15–20 range here and build up a serious burn.
  • Cable Knee Pulls
    Most people do these with a medicine ball or dumbbell held between their feet for resistance, but since the weight is acting downward, this tends to hit the hip flexor muscles instead of the lower abs. Instead, try doing it with a cable system, which provides resistance in the direction of the movement. You can either hook your feet into the handles or attach the ankle cuffs. You can also do this lying flat on the floor or on a bench. Again, high reps will work well here, aim for 15–20 each set, controlling the downward phase slowly to create more tension. This is a great lower ab exercise.

Are your abs being stubborn???



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