Post Workout Styling

Gym Plan
Gym Plan
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2018

Pro’s and con’s of different re-fuel techniques.

  1. Whey protein shake only directly after training.
    Fast acting protein to aid recovery, repair & growth, good for fat loss
    Con’s: No carbs so no glycogen replenishment
  2. Whey protein shake and carbs directly after training.
    Body deals well with carbs after workouts, glycogen restored, protein aids recovery & growth, good for muscle building
    Con’s: Carbs work best for long enduring workouts (depleted glycogen stores) and can lead to some fat storage
  3. Protein/Carb meal straight after training.
    Good whole food trumps protein shakes, more micronutrients.
    Con’s: You may be having slow release carbs instead of simple ones that replenish your glycogen quicker. Whole protein sources take longer to digest than whey
  4. Nothing post-workout, fasting for 1–3 hours after a workout.
    Good for fat loss/muscle building due to insulin not being spiked so a subsequent rise in human growth hormone (HGH) is released?
    Not good for workouts longer than 1 hour, can leave you lethargic & drained, no glycogen replenishment

So what should you be doing?

There is no right or wrong here, but here’s some basic guidelines that you can implement to suit you, your training and your goal.

  • If you are looking to build muscle without concerns about fat burning.
    Have carbs and protein after your training. The increased protein synthesis and up-regulated glucose/amino acid transport mechanisms will benefit from the protein and carb intake.
  • If your goal is to burn fat.
    Let the fat-burning run for a while after your training with a more moderate rise in insulin obtained from post-workout protein or aminos only.
  • If you want to build muscle without gaining fat.
    Get in a calorie dense whey protein only.
  • If your doing two-per-day sessions.
    Look to use carbs immediately after your training to restore glycogen levels before your next training session. This will boost performance for the next session.

Fasting can be beneficial too, especially for body composition and giving a rise in beneficial hormones like HGH, but it really comes down to self-preference. In conclusion it really comes down to this…

What method works best for you?

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