Power Up!

Gym Plan
Gym Plan
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2018

Is bodybuilding making you un-athletic and slow?

When it comes to traditional bodybuilding training and high rep pump training, the muscles are trained in isolation a lot! Everything is aimed at generating a pump and working the perfect mind-muscle. Where this is great if you’re purely looking to look bigger, the downside is that even if strength continues to go up as muscle mass increases, your speed, power and athleticism will lag behind. You could be training more slow twitch, muscular endurance muscle fibers instead of fast twitch muscle fibres responsible for strength and mass…Slow twitch fibers have much less potential for hypertrophy too! Time to start adding in some power movements…

Benefits of implementing power work

  • Increase your strength, leading to greater muscle gains over time.
  • Work more fast twitch muscle fibres for size and help improve your overall conditioning/performance

Our Top 5 Power Movements:

  1. Barbell Snatch Grip High Pull
    This exercise is great for your lateral shoulders, traps, upper back and power.
  2. Seated Box Jumps
    To develop awesome power in your lower body.
  3. Incline Plyo Push Ups
    Not only is this a great upper body power builder, but a great way to warm up for heavy pressing movements too.
  4. Banded Kettlebell Swings
    Build explosive hip drive power with these resistance band swings.
  5. Plyo Bulgarian Split Squats
    Working your limbs uni-laterally is great to bring any imbalances up to scratch. These develop single leg power like no other.



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